
(picture courtesy of our dear friend Karl)

Seven years blogging! Cliché or not, time goes by fast when you’re having so much fun…  The other day I was reading a very insightful blog post in which the blogger asked the question “why do we blog?”  In her case, the question arose mainly because after several years publishing posts, she realized a pattern. She would get excited about writing posts and go on periods of a lot of activity, then abandon her site for months in a row. Feeling guilty about it the whole time. Basically the blog becomes more a source of pressure/pain rather than pleasure, meriting the question “why do it?”.  For me, the question is easy to answer: blogging is fun, it makes me a better cook (or at least more adventurous), and it leads to many wonderful connections with other food bloggers (and readers), forming a sort of virtual family. So, there you have it, seven years and I have not tire of it yet. I don’t have a cake to celebrate the occasion because it was humanly impossible to bake one before our trip considering how busy we were then. Landing back on the very day of my blog-anniversary, I am forced to postpone the virtual party for a few days. Stay tuned. I do have a specific cake recipe in mind, and if all goes well… it will be legendary!

(I probably jinxed myself once more)


Six cakes from previous Bewitching anniversaries…


ONE YEAR AGO: Bewitching Kitchen Turns Six!

TWO YEARS AGO: The Bewitching Kitchen turns Five!

THREE YEARS AGO: The Bewitching Kitchen turns Four!

FOUR YEARS AGO: The Bewitching Kitchen Turns Three! 

FIVE YEARS AGO:  The Bewitching Kitchen turns Two!

SIX YEARS AGO:  Bewitching Birthday!

SEVEN YEARS AGO: Welcome to my blog!



  1. I am happy you still find it fun because I love reading your blog! And I am so happy we have met and become friends! My life is all the richer. Congratulations Sally!!! Much love to you (and Phil too!). We adore you both. Xo


  2. I think it is fabulous that you love blogging after seven years, a very positive message to so many of us. I have only been blogging for 18 months and in that time have built the blog quite considerably and now have quite a large following. It takes a huge amount of time. People ask me why I do it when I get nothing out of it. My answer is always the same, because I love it. Because I love the sheer pleasure it seems to bring so many people from the comments I read, and because my children have taken so much pride in the blog and what I write. That is why I blog, even though many nights it means I have to sit up until 2am writing, I hope I never give up, as you so rightly say it’s a wonderful community and I have met so many great people.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Awesome! I am sure you will be blogging for many years, as your take on it is full of enthusiasm and passion! If not for passion, then why? Passion is everything!


  3. Hey! I didn’t need to see the cake photos — I came here to look through your salad recipes! Happy Blogversary! We all benefit from your hard and exceptionally good work


    • OH, you cracked me up! I tell you what, if I make it to 8 years, I’ll have a LEGENDARY salad (and a cake) to celebrate the occasion… will dedicate it to you!


  4. Congratulations Sally, I can’t believe how fast the time has gone. I’ve sure enjoyed following your blog, and it has (in spurts) made me a more adventurous cook too. Keep it going!


    • So nice to see you here! You were a witness to the period “pre blogging” in which I wanted to do it but was not quite sure about it… so glad I took a deep breath and hit that “publish post” for the first time….


  5. Happy Blogiversary! I always enjoy reading your blog – especially where dogs are involved!
    (I have just got a new rescue dog and love him to bits already.)


  6. Congratulations, Sally, on a job well done. It doesn’t seem like seven years. I’m sure the coming years will bring us more delicious food and entertainment. You are nothing if not entertaining!


    • He, he, he… Marcia… I can read between the lines, I know what you meant by entertaining… and I suspect it has a lot to do with cake misfortunes… but but BUT… I shall surprise you with my upcoming post (well, you know what it will be)


  7. Cheers indeed! And huge congratulations and thanks for your wonderful posts . . . . Methinks the disciplined scientist in you has led to this offshoot we all so love! Hope you love it enough to keep on going for a long, long time . . .


  8. parabéns querida, adoro seus posts, sua cozinha, seus pães… tenho enorme carinho pela profissional e pela blogueira, que a alegria em blogar persista! congrats e beijos!


    • Angela, que delicia de comentario! Tao bom que nos conhecemos ao menos virtualmente via esse incrivel mundo de blogueiras… acho que a culinaria e’ um fator especial, todo mundo que curte cozinhar e’ “boa gente” 😉 E’ ou nao e’?


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