In My Kitchen posts are hosted by Sherry, from  Sherry’s Pickings. Please visit her site to see whateverybody else is sharing this month. I join four times each year, on the first day of January, April, July and October. If you are a food blogger, considering taking part of this fun event. It is chance to share those little things you bought or received as gifts and that make your life in the kitchen easier. 

As you will notice, my friends know very well what moves me…

In our recent trip to Brazil, my sister Norma and my niece Camila offered us these super special gifts, inspired by our beloved pups… Notice the black patch on the eye… Reminds you of someone? And yes, my sister did the embroidery… amazing, right?

From our friends Lorne and Wasu, a super cool Birthday gift for this humble baker! Decorating pens (and also a nice bag of vanilla pods from Madagascar!). Thank you, thank you, thank you!

The best Birthday cards ever, from my dear friend Elaine! Look at those cutie pies!

From my friend Caro, a Birthday gift to warm my heart forever… It is already hanging in our kitchen, of course!

Yet another Birthday gift, from The Haydens, this super special (and with the right amount of flexibility) spatula to inspire my bakes! THANK YOU!

We have dreamed of a Marzocco espresso maker for what seemed like forever. Finally, the husband took a deep breath and ordered one. It does take a while to arrive, as they build the machine, test it, and then finally ship it from Italy, but wow, we are totally in love with it! Here you see the very first espressos we made…

A concha press, which I intend to try very soon… I do have a recipe in mind, so stay tuned for a blog post once I go for it.

I finally caved and bought containers to proof bread dough, from King Arthur. They come in sets of two, and are the perfect size for most baking projects. On the left you see dough for kolache after overnight fermentation, and on the right the initial stage of fermentation of pizza dough. I am totally in love with these containers… Link to get them found here.

Total impulse buy from yours truly. I could not resist it. Do we entertain a lot? No. I have no explanation for falling into temptation. If you have a good therapist to recommend, contact me ASAP.

I do a lot of chicken parmigiana and have always wanted to get a nice set of pans to use as “breading station”. They are perhaps just a tad too big, but the advantage is that things stay contained and by the time I am done, there is no mess on countertops. I found mine on eBay, they don’t seem to be available anymore, but they are also on amazon, although quite a bit more expensive. Check them out here.

This was not cheap, but it is a game changer for cookie decorating. It is from The Sweetest Tiers, and available on etsy. I am so glad I bought it, because I can finally use stencils with Royal icing and get perfect results. It also works great for air-brushing. Excellent quality product.

A gift I offered my beloved husband. We have oysters often when in they are in season, and he works super hard to get them ready for us, so these gloves make his job a lot safer. You can order them here, several sizes (I have one to use with my mandoline).

These are too cool! I saw them online and realized I could not live without them. Ok, at least I could not bake brownies, loaf cakes, sheet cakes without them. You clip them to the edge of the pan to hold the parchment paper folded away from the surface of the cake. Works like a dream! Order them here.

This is a simple gadget recommended by America’s Test Kitchen to sharpen knives. We love it so much we bought a few to take as gifts to family and friends in Brazil. All our knives are back into great shape, and it is so simple to use! Ordering info and a video showing how to use it can be found here.

Take a look at this old knife we’ve had for 10 years!

These are licky-pads for the pups… You smear peanut butter or cheese (from spray cans) and let them have some fun. Unfortunately, Osky does not care for them, so we got a set of four, but two would have been enough. Many styles, sizes and shapes available online, just google them.

As you may have read in my last post, we had a fun backyard party for our Little Shiny Star, as she turned one year old on March 25th. Check out the festivities and the special cake recipe baked by yours truly with a click here.

During this year of life, and 9 months with us, Star has been one amazing pup! Fun, loving, full of personality and enough energy to power the known universe… Sometimes, just sometimes, she does get in a bit of trouble… Particularly when faced with uncooperative dog beds, mud, and wool gloves left too close to her territory.

But how on Earth could we resist such a face?

Oscar begs to differ…
That face? If you want irresistible, I’ve got irresistible for you!

Oh, THAT is hilarious!!!!

Star does have a point. Clearly, our boy was in desperate need of grooming…

But grooming did happen, and right after that ordeal was over, what can only be explained as The Grooming Miracle! A very rare image of Osky laying next to another, lesser canine. Mind-blowing stuff.

It is far more common for our Dominant Alpha Male to claim all beds for himself…

Yeah, let me bark very clearly now:

Prince and Star are just inseparable, and bonded in ways that make us so happy! They are great golf companions, both outside and inside!


They hang out together 24/7 and will often fall asleep in the exact same position, after getting exhausted from playing hard…

We could not get a more compatible pair of pups…

Yes, for sure! Clouds only gather on the horizon because Prince is a slow-chewer, and well, his sister does not take well to the fact she is done with hers… So we close this post with one small example of the Opera Singing we go through, pretty much on a daily basis… Wanna move in with us? Never a dull moment, my friends… Never a dull moment…

That’s all for now, folks!


ONE YEAR AGO: In My Kitchen, Spring 2023

TWO YEARS AGO: In My Kitchen, April 2022

THREE YEARS AGO: In My Kitchen, April 2021

FOUR YEARS AGO: In My Kitchen, April 2020

FIVE YEARS AGO:  In My Kitchen, April 2019

SIX YEARS AGO: In My Kitchen, April 2018

SEVEN YEARS AGO: First Monday Favorite

EIGHT YEARS AGO: In My Kitchen, April 2016

NINE YEARS AGO: Spring has Sprung with Suzanne Goin

TEN YEARS AGO: Chai Brownies

ELEVEN YEARS AGO: Pomegranate-Molasses Glazed Carrots

TWELVE YEARS AGO: Braised Brisket with Bourbon-Peach Glaze

THIRTEEN YEARS AGO: The Real Vodka Sauce

FOURTEEN YEARS AGO: Spring Rolls on a Spring Day


This post is dedicated to Kathy McMorrow, who left us on October 19th

In My Kitchen posts are hosted by Sherry, from  Sherry’s Pickings. Please visit her site to see what everybody else is sharing this month. I join four times each year, on the first day of January, April, July and October. If you are a food blogger, considering taking part of this fun event. It is chance to share those little things you bought or received as gifts and that make your life in the kitchen easier. 

Many gifts this time and a few things I bought myself, so let’s start this virtual walk,
shall we?

When they came to visit us, they brought us this amazing honeycomb! It is like honey on steroids, I had never tried it before. Absolutely lovely!

They also gave us a bottle of honey which I used to make London Fog in one of my favorite tea cups… Thank you, TANYA & JAMIE!

They sent us a huge basket of oranges and grapefruit… my beloved husband made this special treat for me every morning until the grapefruits were gone! He is a keeper, but you knew that already…

All the way from California, a set of PERFECT kitchen towels, I just adore the border at the bottom, what a cute detail! Thank you, Jennifer!

Most amazingly juicy pears, they were at perfect stage of ripeness when the family visited, and everybody loved them!

A nice soy candle and a Christmas-y kitchen towel…. We love them!

A huge box of Leonidas chocolate…. OMG in chocolate form!

We are addicted to this delicacy from Siena, and they made sure we enjoyed it again this year! THANK YOU! If you’ve never had panforte, you NEED to try some.

The world’s coolest apron! Thank you so much, the fabric is perfect and wipes clean like a dream (not that I am a messy cook, of course NOT!)

The most exquisite Christmas tree ornament… we made sure to place it high, so that the real Dalmatians would not hurt it…

As if all that amazing honey wasn’t enough, Tanya and Jamie sent me a total beauty of a Bundt pan for Christmas!

I intend to put it to use this coming week with a special bake for Friday! Tanya (and Jamie) I don’t even know how to thank you, but Jamie, expect a constant flow of nice puns (wink, wink). It is the MINIMUM I can do!

And now my unexpected special Christmas gift from the best husband in the universe…

I named it Helen, as my friend and virtual mentor Helen Fletcher was the one who got me interested after she wrote this great review about it. I was not sure if I should get it, as I have some KitchenAid attachments that obviously don’t work with that mixer, but Phil splurged and I must say I adore it! Thank you Phil, and thank you Helen!

Speaking of a real keeper of a husband! Phil built this set of shelves for the garage and organized all his tools. It is a French cleat system, in which the little things can be moved around freely. Super awesome!

We got a new rug for the kitchen, as a certain puppy damaged the old one pretty badly. Now that she outgrew the chewing phase (fingers crossed), we felt we were ready for the upgrade.

We also got a new rug for the living room, as ours was almost 20 years old and getting really beaten (and chewed by a certain female Dalmatian). Oscar approved the color scheme!

Two pretty nice ingredients to play with: Chestnut honey from Italy (I do have a weakness for honey), and Stem ginger from the UK.  Stay tuned for adventures with both.

A set of bell shaped cookie cutters. I also have a weak spot for shapes in different sizes. I needed a large bell for a recent project (featured here), and this was the best option.

A new turkey-size roaster. Ours was super old, and I wanted to make sure we had something nice for this year. Guess what? We ended up roasting NO bird at Thanksgiving and NO bird on Christmas. Oh, well. There is always 2024.

We simply cannot get over the funny ways in which Ziggy Star Barker sleeps or gets comfortable…

Funny, who me????

Hey, I can be funny too!

Yeah, let them be funny. I am FIERCE. POWERFUL. 

The dogs were absolutely spoiled this holiday season, as we had two of the stepsons here with the kids (and one bun in the oven, to be born on March). 

Here is our crowd at dinner, our house had never been so full!


Did the pups love their visit? Judge for yourself….

Hi, this is my friend Campbell! Guess what? He was a little scared of doggies, but I made sure to be super nice and gentle so that fear is now history! We are buddies for life!

Hi, my name is Sutton, and this is my big furry friend Oscar… he loves to be hugged and even though I am a little too small I do my best!

This is our friend Star, she loves to cuddle on the sofa to watch TV. She had a blast with The Grinch Who Stole Christmas…

Prince is actually partial to 101 Dalmatians…

My name is Greenlee, and Prince is my best buddy, he does tricks for me and I give him treats. Is that going to spoil him? I hope so!

All pups were absolutely gentle with the kids, in this picture Sutton was crying and Star did not know what to do to console her… it was super sweet….



But what matters is that we had a ton of fun together. Undoubtedly, dogs and kids are a match made in heaven… We wish you a wonderful New Year, and we will see you again in the Spring for another chapter of In My Kitchen, aka Life in the Kingdom of Tatarrax.

ONE YEAR AGO:In My Kitchen, January 2023

TWO YEARS AGO: Happy New Year in My Kitchen!

THREE YEARS AGO: Happy New Year in My Kitchen!

FOUR YEARS AGO: Happy 2020 In My Kitchen!

FIVE YEARS AGO: Happy 2019 In My Kitchen!

SIX YEARS AGO: Happy New Year In My Kitchen!

SEVEN YEARS AGO: Happy New Year In My Kitchen!

EIGHT YEARS AGO: In My Kitchen: Happy New Year!

NINE YEARS AGO: And another year starts…

TEN YEARS AGO: In My Kitchen: January 2014

ELEVEN YEARS AGO: Tacos with Pork in Green Sauce



FOURTEEN YEARS AGO: Sunflower Seed Rye


In My Kitchen posts are hosted by Sherry, from  Sherry’s Pickings. Please visit her site to see whateverybody else is sharing this month. I join four times each year, on the first day of January, April, July and October. If you are a food blogger, considering taking part of this fun event. It is chance to share those little things you bought or received as gifts and that make your life in the kitchen easier. 

Starting with gifts….

From our dear friends Heather and Tad, all the way from their garden in California, the most spectacular Meyer lemons, that we put to use in macarons, cookies, marinades, and buttercreams! The smell before we even open the box was amazing! THANK YOU!

From our friends Keith and Sarah, a very special mug that I’ve been using every evening for my tea… I did NOT to get to be a Star Baker in the tent, but I can be one in our kitchen!

From my virtual friend Toni, the CUTEST Dalmatian golfer plush toy! Can you believe all the details? He carries a bag with golf “bones”, and I have absolutely NO WORDS! Approved by both resident Dalmatians, one yet to set paw on a golf course, the other a very seasoned caddy for his Dad. This little golfer has fun jumping around our kitchen, showing up in the most unexpected spots, never failing to give us a smile! A little like Elf on the Shelf…

Cannot thank you enough, Toni!

In our kitchen…

A new mat to replace one that lasted for many years, but could not resist the teeth of a certain Dalmatian puppy that attends by the name of Prince… oh, well……

In our kitchen…

I have a weakness for small tiny colorful dishes, and these jumped into my shopping cart the other day. What can I say? I needed them in my life…

In our kitchen…

A cupcake carrier that is a must-have if you need to transport cupcakes around. Almost every week I’ve been including mini-cakes in my donation box, so I use it often. It is sturdy, very convenient. Available here.

In our kitchen…

I found those at Marshalls and of course, was forced to bring them home. How could I possibly resist them?

In our kitchen…

I got this set of flavoring oils from LorAnn straight from amazon. You cannot choose the flavors, they just assemble a dozen. I thought it was a good deal so I can try them and the ones that please me I can order later in a bigger size, although they are so potent that each little bottle will last well into their expiration date, I suppose. I was hoping Key Lime would be in the mix, but unfortunately it did not make it. ‘

In our kitchen…

Someone turned 1 year old on June 12th, and we had a special bake… Dog cookies, made according to this recipe.

In our kitchen….

A silicone mat normally used for fondant, but I rolled it over chocolate cookie dough (without any leavening agent) and used to form a pattern over the cookie, as shown below. There are countless versions available in sites such as aliexpress.

In our kitchen…

I normally hate single-function gadgets but we are loving this one! Hubby often makes açaí bowls for his lunch and the banana slicer works like a charm. Also great for strawberries, but a no-no for dried apricots, in case you are wondering. Available here.

In our kitchen…

A little ceramic container for olive oil. We had a different, fancier one, but it kept cracking because it was a bit too big to handle. This one is perfect for our needs. It does not hold as much oil as the previous one, but it is easier to use. Several colors available here.

In our kitchen…

From Sweetsticks, a paint activator to use with all sorts of luster powders and also to dilute gel dyes. If you like to have the watercolor effect on the surface of an iced cookie, this is really helpful because it does not dry nearly as fast as alcohol-containing solutions. I won mine in a little cookie contest, but it is available here.


In our kitchen… a teaser little thing….

I am not going to explain what those are, but these are super cool! Wait for a blog post putting one of them into use… Of course you are more than welcome to try and guess what these are…..


And now, it is time to let our pups do the barking…. and the most vocal by far is our
Little Star, getting less little each and every week!

Prince and Star are pretty much inseparable now… She follows him, imitates him, adores him, and the feeling is definitely mutual…

Many thanks to our friend Jen, for quoting the phrase “Get your own Star!” Indeed, it says it all about their bond… Too cute for words. Oscar, however, has a slightly different take on the situation.

But, Star knows how to play the cute-card…

And she is incredibly cute even when slightly confused about the proper way to negotiate her bed…

Although we did not find it that cute when she decided to get up close and personal with mud, just an hour after we gave her a bath (and THAT was not easy, trust me).

But of course, things got much worse a few days later…

Still, not a chance to stay mad at her…

Prince has been the best Big Brother a pup can ask for… he is patient, loving, caring, and so so happy to have a playmate. They play non-stop from the moment they wake up until they crash side by side at night…



Osky is Osky. He is in many ways happier now that Prince leaves him alone, and Star is quickly learning that inviting him to play is a no-no. He is also very happy with his Summer look…

This is me, around The Black Spotted Deviants

This is me spared of their Annoying Presence…


Star is shaping up as a True Defender of her Brother’s Kingdom!

And, if you still need a little hit of The Cute… I am here for you….

Before I close this post, a little shout from the past. Today BUCK would be 16 years old.
I miss you, Bucky Boy.


ONE YEAR AGO: In My Kitchen, Summer 2022

TWO YEARS AGO: In My Kitchen, July 2021

THREE YEARS AGO: In My Kitchen, July 2020

FOUR YEARS AGO: In My Kitchen, June 2019

FIVE YEARS AGO: In My Kitchen – July 2018

SIX YEARS AGO: In My Kitchen, July 2017

SEVEN YEARS AGO: Secret Recipe Club: Falafel and a Bonus Recipe

EIGHT YEARS AGO: Chocolate Toffee Banana Bread

NINE YEARS AGO: In My Kitchen, June 2014

TEN YEARS AGO:  Strawberry Frozen Yogurt

ELEVEN YEARS AGO: Baked Coconut and “The Brazilian Kitchen”

TWELVE YEARS AGO: Honey-Glazed Chicken Legs

THIRTEEN YEARS AGO: French-Style Rolls

FOURTEEN YEARS AGO: Chicken Breasts, Coffee, and Serendipity


In My Kitchen posts are hosted by Sherry, from  Sherry’s Pickings. Please visit her site to see what everybody else is sharing this month. I join four times each year, on the first day of January, April, July and October.

In our kitchen…

Thanks to the skill and efforts of my beloved husband, we managed to get a second little harvest of lettuce, planted from seed. Amazing how much more flavorful home-grown lettuce can be.

In our kitchen…

I don’t follow keto or other strict diets, but sometimes I like to explore ingredients that are low in carbs. These tortillas called my attention because of the enthusiastic reviews it received on amazon. I decided to order a bag and was quite pleased by both taste and texture. They are very small, but for my appetite, two are perfect for a meal. I’ve read that some people like to cut them in four pieces and use as tortilla chips, by baking or frying. Here they are over a regular dinner plate, so you can have an idea of their size. I pass them over a flame on my stove, they get charred and ready in seconds. Maybe you can find them where you live, but if you’d like to give them a try, amazon is your friend (click here).

In our kitchen…

A set of small plastic bowls that I just could not resist, after my friend Gary pointed them out to me. Color, color, color… It’s my weakness…

In our kitchen…

I’ve been flirting with Korean ingredients, after falling in love with all things South Korea through shows such as “Crash Landing on You” and “The Extraordinaire Attorney Woo.”

I am learning my way through this intriguing cuisine, and exploring ingredients that are new to me. Top left is Doenjang, a miso-type paste that I have not yet played with, but apparently is super flavorful. Top right is Gochugaru, a red pepper flake with unique smoky flavor, and bottom left my favorite, Silgochu, very thin threads of chili pepper. It looks very cool sprinkled over food, and it packs a lot of flavor in those tiny, fragile looking threads.

In our kitchen…

A Mix-and-Match Animal Cookie Set (available at, with many possibilities to create designs. These make large cookies, and the moment I got the set, I had to work on a special project…

In our kitchen…

Two types of cocoa powder. The left one is my favorite Dutch type, and the right one I found in our grocery store and decided to give it a try. Loved the delicate coffee flavor, and have used it with my default chocolate cookie recipe, omitting the chipotle in that case.

In our kitchen…

A pumpkin mold that is large enough to shape a cookie. Stay tuned for some serious Halloween baking in the near future.

In our kitchen…

This was a total impulse buy. I was shopping at our grocery store and happened to walk by the Halloween aisle. This platter jumped into my shopping cart and would NOT leave. Odd how these things happen. Must be the Black October Magic at work.

In our kitchen…

When you have a cookie cutter problem, you’ll need storage. I finally caved and bought something I had been flirting with for the longest time. These have drawers of two different sizes, so you order what is most convenient for you (click here). They live in our basement and made my life a lot easier. I might add labels to the drawers at some point.

In our kitchen…

These are great if you need to take cakes for a get together or if you donate them as I do. Each holds a little more than 1/2 cup of batter, depending on the recipe and how much they rise. A little experimentation might be needed. I used my brownie cupcake default recipe just like described here. They have lids that fit well, and it all looks super cute. Several sizes and shapes available, take a look here.

And now it is time to allow a certain trio of pups to bark their piece, and wow,
do they have a lot to say this time!

Buck and Oscar were set in a smooth routine, predictable with a few ups and downs…. For Osky, the worst would be a certain style of haircut, for Buck just having to deal with this odd silence in the world, interrupted by hand clapping that he does his best to follow as guidance.

Little did they know, that Chaos was coming! Full disclosure: we debated whether we should change Prince’s name to Chaos or Trouble, but decided that His Royal Highness would not approve the motion. He has definitely turned our universe upside down, but let’s be honest, we would not have it any other way. The sadness that Bogey’s departure left in us was so intense, and somehow this bundle of energy with a heart-shaped nose and a hear-shaped mark on his leg, made our own hearts feel lighter.

He is sweet, funny, strong-willed, naughty, and clumsy like puppies often are…
it just makes him even more adorable…

The polls about Prince Lucifer of Darkness are a bit divided….

Buck does not mind, in fact they quickly became quite good buddies, even if Prince’s chasing of Buck’s tail can be a bit overwhelming at times…

We have of course countless videos already, but this one below is probably my all-time favorite! Keep in mind that Buck is deaf, so all the noise Prince does to try and invite him to play fall on “deaf ears” (literally). I love the way Buck yawns when it all starts. And of course, Prince stretched back legs crack us up. Too funny! At the very end, Prince seems to understand what I tell him, but is just not buying it!

Of course, as a good Prince, he sees the world as his domain….

And all things shoes must subject to his rules:
you exist to provide amusement for my teeth and paws!

Yes, he is a ton of trouble in four powerful legs… but the level of cute is off-the-charts…

And he also teaches us lessons about how to live…

He is growing so fast, we already miss the times we could hold him like a little bundle in our arms…

That’s all for now, folks! Stay tuned – assuming we humans will survive puppyhood – for the next installment of In My Kitchen, when 2023 starts bright and early!

ONE YEAR AGO: In My Kitchen, October 2021

TWO YEARS AGO: In My Kitchen, October 2020

THREE YEARS AGO: In My Kitchen (and Beyond), October 2019

FOUR YEARS AGO: In My Kitchen, October 2018

FIVE YEARS AGO: In My Kitchen, October 2017

SIX YEARS AGO: Little Bites of Paradise

SEVEN YEARS AGO: Coxinha de Galinha: A Brazilian Delicacy

EIGHT YEARS AGO: Prosciutto-Wrapped Shrimp Skewers

NINE YEARS AGO: A Simple Dinner

TEN YEARS AGO: Brown Butter Tomato Salad

ELEVEN YEARS AGO:  Spelt and Cornmeal Rolls

TWELVE YEARS AGO: Roasted Potato and Olive Focaccia

THIRTEEN YEARS AGO: Multigrain Bread Extraordinaire