flanJune, folks. We are in June. That means half of this amazing year is pretty much over.  Carpe diem. The months always end on a nice note for me, because the last Monday brings Reveal Day of The Secret Recipe Club.  I was paired this month with Dena from Oh! You Cook!”. Dena describes herself as a librarian by day, recipe blogger by night, except on nights in which she works as a librarian…  Not only she works around books, but she is an author herself, having published last year “The Everything Kosher Slowcooker Cookbook”.  Check it out here.  Reading her blog is a lot of fun! She is quite witty, and often opens her articles with remarks that will bring a smile to your face.  For instance, the recipe I chose, carrot flan, is under a post entitled “Go Forth on the Fourth…”  I quote straight from her blog:

Go Forth on the Fourth…  and barbecue, of course! 

Steaks… check!

Skewered chicken… check!  

Carrot flan… huh?   🙂

So there you go. Whether you are making this dish as a side for a barbecue or as a light meal, it will turn your day into something unique. Elegant, light, sophisticated, and the best part: it’s actually quite simple to make.


(adapted from “Oh! You Cook!”)

Makes 6 individual servings.

for the flans:
12 ounces carrots (enough to make 2 1/2 cups of chopped pieces)
4 eggs
4 ounces (1/2 cup) heavy cream
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
pinch of grated nutmeg

for the vinaigrette:
1/4 cup olive oil
3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1 teaspoons Dijon mustard
1/2 teaspoon grated lemon peel
1/2 teaspoon honey

Make the flans: Heat the oven to 325 degrees F. Butter 6 ramekins (3/4-cup size). Cook the pieces of carrots in boiling salted water until tender, about 8 minutes. Drain and puree in a food processor or blender until smooth, and let cool slightly.

Whisk the pureed carrots together with the eggs, heavy cream, salt, pepper, and nutmeg. Divide the mixture among the buttered ramekins, and place the ramekins in a baking pan. Add enough hot water to the baking pan so that the water goes halfway up the sides of the ramekins. Cover the pain with foil and bake until the custards are set and a knife inserted near the middle of one comes out clean. (In my pathetic oven it took almost 1 hour, but you should start checking it at 40 minutes, normally it should take around 45 minutes). Remove the ramekins from the baking dish and let cool slightly before unmolding.

For the vinaigrette:  whisk together the lemon juice, lemon peel, mustard, and honey. Stream in the olive oil, whisking constantly, until an emulsion forms. Season well with salt and pepper,  and store in the refrigerator.

Final assembly of the dish:  Place a handful of salad greens of your choice for each serving of flan in a large bowl. Drizzle some vinaigrette over the greens, season with coarse salt and freshly ground black pepper, and toss to dress. Run a knife around the inside of the ramekins to loosen the flans, then invert them over a plate to unmold. Serve the flans with the salad  and an additional drizzle of the vinaigrette.


to print the recipe, click here

Comments: This might be a bold statement, but I’ll go ahead with it: I think this was my favorite recipe of all the “Secret Ones” I’ve made in the year and a half participating in the event.  Phil raved about it from the first bite, and said that these flans could be served on the best bistrots of Paris. How’s that for a compliment?  The leftover flans were warmed in a microwave for 40 seconds, and they unmolded perfectly then.  So, this recipe is a wonderful option for a dinner party.

tiediePolishing off the meal with non-stop compliments: Nice! Wearing a tie-die shirt with more colors than the dinner plate? Optional, but so very cool… 😉

If you want to see what my friends from Group D cooked up for this Reveal Day, click on the blue frog at the bottom of the post…. have fun!

ONE YEAR AGO: The Secret Recipe Club: Granola Bars

TWO YEARS AGO:  Awesome Broccolini

THREE YEARS AGO:  A Twist on Pesto

FOUR YEARS AGO: Ciabatta: Judging a bread by its holes


  1. I would have never thought of a flan being made with carrots, but after seeing your presentation and description of it, I would love to try it. Happy SRC Reveal Day! 🙂


  2. Thanks, everyone! I am totally, completely, absolutely busy and won’t be able to reply to comments individually for a few days.

    shall be back when the coast clears…. 😉 Just let me say once more ” WE LOVED THIS RECIPE!” Make it, you will be glad you did…


  3. Isn’t this something? It really is a flan made with carrots! Coming with 2 rave reviews, this must be quite a dish. I need to try this one. Thanks for sharing, Sally.


  4. I love this idea Sally! I don’t think I have ever come across a carrot flan before — what a dreamy, delicious idea. The ingredients are so yummy too – I can imagine the tasty combination of flavors and the hint of nutmeg with the lovely cream…. Your favorite of the secret recipes you say? I must try :).


  5. That sounds divine. I bought a lot of carrots today and I’m planning a simple “carottes rapees” for tonight. I will try your carrot version over the weekend. Thanks for sharing!


    • Flans are delicious and so easy to make – the only important part is making sure they are baked just right, not overbaked. Other than that, no big deal to make them


  6. Pingback: Southern Ontario Menu Plan – July 8-12 | The Local Kitchener

  7. Hi Sally,
    So I made the flan on Monday (and then forgot to tell you about it!). I went ahead and did it with the beets. It turned out pretty well but I realized I should have roasted the beets rather than boiled them because most of their lovely red color was lost to the boiling water! However, the flavor was very nice. I also added a bit of strawberry rhubarb jam to the mix just to make sure there was enough sweetness for the beets (which were old winter storage beets!). Anyways, I agree that in many ways it’s more of a souffle than a flan, but nonetheless, a very cool and versatile idea. Thanks!


    • Thanks for the feedback, I am sorry it took me so long to reply, I definitely meant to come here sooner!

      Maybe you could take a look at the original site (that is not the one I got the recipe from, but the one SHE found it first). In that site, she compares methods of making the base, and getting two types of textures in the final product. Worth a look, very interesting

      glad you tried it!


  8. Pingback: Carrot Flan | flippenblog's Blog

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