A while ago I was invited to write a guest post over at Feastie, and I chose a sourdough bread for the occasion.  To my delight, I recently got a second invitation to do a guest feature.  My Mom has always told me that if you are invited twice to go to someone’s house, it must mean they like you, so I hope it works the same for food blogging!  😉  Jessica asked me to blog on any type of meat recipe.  We are meat lovers here, so that was not a problem.   But I don’t face any challenge without some hyperventilation (and a little drama), so my poor husband had to endure me walking in circles around the kitchen, talking to myself, talking to the dogs, trying to pick the perfect recipe. That odd behavior lasted for about a week. It can be unsettling after a while.  My Mom got it right twice:  I married a saint.

So, if you are wondering what all my hyperventilation led to, jump right over to Feastie and find out!  Two words for you: pork and spinach.  Three: feta. Four: delicious!