This recipe joins ingredients I’d never imagined together.  Think about a Chinese stir-fry with an American Southwestern flair.  Canned creamed corn might send me running in the opposite direction, but this recipe was described as “brilliant,” and with Mark Bittman backing it,  I took the  gastronomic leap of faith and went for it. What a great stir-fry concoction it is!   It’ll be a regular in my nightly repertoire from now on.  The combination of creamed corn and fresh corn kernels is the secret to success.

(from The Essential New York Times Cookbook)

1 pound boneless chicken breasts (or thighs), cut into small chunks
2 Tbs soy sauce
1 tsp Japanese sesame oil
1 Tbs white wine (or rice wine)
salt to taste
2 Tbs vegetable oil (I used grapeseed)
1 Tbs minced garlic
1 Tbs minced ginger
1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
1 can of creamed corn (15 oz)
1 cup corn kernels (I used roasted kernels, frozen)
chopped fresh cilantro

Mix the chicken with the soy sauce, the sesame oil, and wine. Season very lightly with salt. Keep at room temperature for 10 to 30 minutes (you can also do this step several hours in advance).

Heat the vegetable oil on a large skillet, when very hot, drain the chicken and add to the pan, without crowding (if necessary, do it in two batches). Let it cook undisturbed until the pieces get a nice golden brown color, then flip them around to cook the other side. The whole process will take less than 5 minutes, if your oil was hot enough to begin with. Turn the heat down, add the garlic, ginger, and red pepper flakes. Cook for a minute, add the creamed corn and corn kernels (no need to defrost if frozen). Cook stirring every once in a while until the dish is heated through, about 5 minutes. Sprinkle with cilantro right before serving, preferably over white rice.


to print the recipe, click here

Comments: Most stir-fries finish with a liquid thickened by some type of starch – usually cornstarch or arrowroot.  In this recipe the creamed corn provides all the texture and substance you’ll need.  I made it, start to finish,   in less than 30 minutes on a weeknight, but in the future I might marinate the chicken early in the morning and leave it in the fridge the whole day.

In the Summer, when corn is at its peak, I’ll use fresh kernels, but this time I grabbed the excellent frozen kernels at Trader Joe’s.  The fact that they were roasted added even more flavor.  The colors and the taste were like Spring on the plate.  We are ready for it…  😉

ONE YEAR AGO: Potato, Cheddar, and Chive Torpedo (this definitely goes to our Hall of Fame of Breads)

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    • Not spicy at all, very mild – in fact, one could add more heat to it if desired. Also, I don’t know how your kids react to cilantro or “green things” in their food, you could always leave it out. I happen to love it, though, and feel it adds a lot to the flavor… Your kids seem very adventurous, though… you are doing a great job with them!


  1. Made this a few weeks ago-instant favorite. I used a box of frozen creamed corn and a box of frozen corn kernels-that worked well; but will try it again with a can of creamed corn just to see the difference.


    • My niece in Brazil just wrote me to ask if the creamed corn is available back home. I have no idea, told her she could maybe get some regular corn and puree it in the food processor… who knows? Maybe it could work…


  2. Thickening with creamed corn is a great idea, and I love corn so I want to taste this! The Asian flavors sound great. And, this is another reminder that I need to start spending time with that book. It’s sitting on the shelf waiting for some attention.


  3. Yum… eating it right now!! Only had 1 tin creamed corn and 1 corn&peas. May not be true to the reciepe, but it tastes good! The marinade flavours the dish beautifuly. Family love it asking for more.


  4. Pingback: Grandmother Wren » Blog Archive » The Thursday 13 – Why not? 13 Recipes Using Cream Corn

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