Absolutely delicious and a cinch to put together, I dare say that even chickpea haters might appreciate these little creatures when presented this way.  This was my first time roasting capers, but it won’t be the last. Great boost of flavor for an ingredient that already has quite a strong personality.

Pasta with Roasted Chickpeas and Capers
(slightly adapted from Real Simple)

3/4 pound spaghetti
1 can chickpeas (15 ounce)  rinsed and patted dry
1/2 cup panko bread crumbs
1/4 cup capers, drained
1/4 cup olive oil  (I probably used a little less)
1/2 teaspoon ground coriander
salt and black pepper
1/4 cup minced cilantro leaves
2 tablespoons lemon juice

Heat oven to 400° F.  Combine the chickpeas, panko, capers, oil, coriander, and ½ teaspoon each salt and pepper on a rimmed baking sheet. Roast, tossing once, until crispy, 18 to 22 minutes.

While the chickpeas are roasting, cook the pasta in plenty of salted boiling water. Once the pasta is cooked, drain it and return it to the pan.

Add the chickpeas, cilantro, and lemon juice to the pasta and toss to combine.


to print the recipe, click here


Comments:  What a great, simple recipe this was! I’ve roasted chickpeas before, but they always turned a little mushy. The addition of panko-style bread crumbs brought a very pleasant crunch to the mixture.  Roasted capers were another very pleasant surprise. I love their sharp, pungent taste in any type of recipe. Roasting changes that sharpness quite a bit, I would say it takes some of it away, but at the same time intensifies the pure caper flavor.  Am I making sense?  😉  Make this pasta and see what you think.

served111Dinner is served! 
Grilled lemony chicken breasts and snow peas completed our meal…

ONE YEAR AGO: Leaving on a jet plane

TWO YEARS AGO: Crispy Herb-Crusted Halibut

THREE YEARS AGO: Almond Butter Cake



  1. Oh Sally, I am going to try this like yesterday 🙂 ! Have never used this oven method, would not ever have thought of it . . . but love all the ingredients, oft make this kind of pasta dishes and opened a new jar of capers [yes, for pasta!!][ yesterday . . . . baked capers and chickpeas: can’t wait to taste!!!


      • Listen…I can believe anything. I didn’t start drinking red wine until I was 26, 26!!!, and now am completely cranky because I gave it up for Lent. The important thing is that you are now eating chickpeas and that I see a nice chewy Malbec in my not too distant futre. Life is good! 🙂


    • It’s true that recipes for roasted chickpeas are pretty trendy these days… I normally refrain from following food trends, so consider that a happy accident 😉


  2. I have not thought of adding the chickpeas to my pasta, looks delicious Barbara! 🙂 I’ve not roasted capers but do heat them on top of the stove, the heat releases all their flavor, but we careful not to over heat or over roast them. I do my pasta on the stove top with my capers, sauce, etc.


    • I think for me is the brine flavor, that pickled thing – but of course, I am all for salty food, having very low blood pressure I think my body demands it, and I am happy to comply! 😉


    • Celia, one of my sisters in Brazil hates chickpeas – in fact, I wrote an email about this recipe to my family and my sister said it seemed great EXCEPT for the chickpeas 😉 Go figure. there are chickpea haters out there, and some share quite a few genes with me!


  3. The only fear I would have with a dish like this is I truly don’t think I could stop eating it!! Pasta, breadcrumbs, capers, chickpeas… oh my, that’s just a different magnitude of deliciousness on the Richter scale ;-). And roasted yet. Seriously love these ingredients and your lemony chicken sounds like the perfect accompaniment. (By the way, the Real Simple recipes I’ve made have always been winners!).


    • Indeed, Real Simple has never disappointed me – I have a huge list on my “to make soon” folder, but unfortunately the day keeps having just 24 hours and the week only seven days. It’s unfair


  4. Sally this is just the recipe I needed. I love it and it will be a hit in the house. A new way to eat one of our favorite beans! (It might have to wait a few weeks though. 😉 )


  5. There’s so much to love about this recipe, Sally. I’m sure I’ll love it when I try it. I had roasted chickpeas as a garnish on plate I ordered recently. It was the first time they weren’t served as a snack and it was a surprise. Your dish confirms it. There’s more to roasted chickpeas than snacking in front of the TV.


    • Wonderful! You know, Donna, when I get a comment on a post that has been published for a while, it is usually spam. So I get the notification already dreading have to come and clean it up… so it was a great surprise to see that no, this time it is a real nice comment!

      Happy Holidays to you!


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