Through The Secret Recipe Club, I got to know Jey, from “The Jey of Cooking“.  A year ago, her Mom received a new heart in a transplant, and Jey decided to post a heart-healthy recipe in her blog, inviting also other bloggers to do the same.  For every recipe posted, she made a donation for The American Heart Association .  Now, to mark the first anniversary of her mother’s surgery, she is launching the same campaign, and this is my contribution.  By the way, if you have a food blog, or even if you don’t, you can join too: simply cook a heart-healthy recipe, blog or take photos from it, and send an email to Jey, you can find more details jumping here.  The deadline is March 25th.

(adapted from Fine Cooking; issue 116, March 2012)

1 Tbs. olive oil
Fine sea salt
1 medium shallot, finely diced
1 celery stalk, finely diced
2 carrots, finely diced
1 can chickpeas, drained and rinsed (15 oz)
1 can fire-roasted diced tomatoes (14.5 oz)
2 rosemary sprigs
3 cups water (or vegetable broth)
Freshly ground black pepper
1/4 cup low fat yogurt
squeeze of lemon juice

Heat the olive oil in a saucepan over medium heat.Add the onion, celery, carrot, and a pinch of salt and cook for about 5 minutes. Add the chickpeas and tomatoes with their juice, stir to combine, and cook for 1 minute. Add the rosemary, water, 1 tsp salt, and freshly ground black pepper.  Partially cover the pan and simmer gently for 20 minutes.  Remove the sprigs of rosemary, leaving behind any leaves that fell off the stem.  Purée the soup with a hand blender or in batches in a regular blender or food processor. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

In a small bowl, mix the yogurt with lemon juice and a pinch of salt. Divide the soup among 4 bowls, add a nice dollop of yogurt in the center of the bowl, and swirl it around with chopsticks.


to print the recipe, click here

The original recipe, in the latest issue of Fine Cooking,  used regular tomatoes and had a higher proportion of chickpeas.  I confess to having a mild addiction to the heat and flavor of Muir fire-roasted tomatoes, so I try to sneak them in my cooking at every opportunity.   Their heat was quite obvious, so the yogurt swirl was a nice addition to tame the fire.

We are pretty much saying goodbye to soup weather, but this version would be great even on a warm Summer evening.  Chickpeas and tomatoes are  awesome together. I have paired them in stews and salads, but this was my first time enjoying them in a soup.  Tasty!

Jey, I hope you’ll get a lot of contributions to celebrate the first anniversary of your Mom’s surgery!

ONE YEAR AGO: Almond Butter Cake

TWO YEARS AGO:  Taillevent (a meal to remember…)

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  1. Great cause Sally! And now I have another fabulous chickpea recipe to try. I’m telling you – we can’t get enough. And I’m with you – those Muir fire roasted tomatoes are incredible! This one is going on my list for soup night. 🙂


  2. Lovely healthy soup. I make something similar with chickpeas and baked squash which is an adaptation of an Indian lentil (dal) soup. It uses either tomato paste or ground tomatoes.


      • Here’s the recipe in case you want to take a closer look. If you use vegetable stock, the dish is vegan.

        Spicy Squash and Chickpea Soup (serves 6)

        2 tbsp oil
        1 small onion, minced
        2 garlic cloves, roasted
        1 1/2 tbsp tomato paste or 1 400 gm can crushed/diced tomatoes
        1/4 tsp dried red chili
        1 tsp ground cumin
        1 tsp ground coriander
        1/4 tsp ground ginger
        1/4 tsp turmeric
        4 cups stock (chicken, beef, vegetable)
        1 cup water (if needed)
        2 cups cooked chickpeas (1 400 gm can, drained and rinsed)
        1-2 acorn squash, cooked (1 1/2 cups)
        2 tsp white wine vinegar
        salt and pepper

        Chop the onion and garlic and saute in hot oil for 5 minutes. Add spices and cook for 2-3 min. Add tomato paste (or crushed tomatoes) and cook additional 2-3 min. Add cooked squash, stock, water and chickpeas. Bring to boil and simmer for 10-15 min. Puree using wand blender or in batches in regular blender or food processor. Strain through a coarse sieve to get out any chickpea skins or stringy bits of squash.

        Note: I used an acorn squash that I had baked and scraped out the contents but you could use butternut etc. I ended up using 2 beef bouillon cubes and 4 cups of water since I had no stock of any kind. If you’re desperate, you can use water. The original recipe called for 1 400 gm can of tomatoes. If you have fresh tomatoes, blanch, peel and seed and add about 2 cups’ worth. I was going to use red wine vinegar but couldn’t get the foil cap off the new bottle so I used white. If you don’t have any wine vinegar, use lemon juice to give you that bit of zip.


    • I imagine you do have some cold weather ahead still – this week we have SO MUCH rain it’s hard to believe, but we needed it. Record rainfall yesterday! Today still raining, but less

      everything should turn bright green soon, awesome!


  3. This looks wonderfully appealing. Soup works nicely with the crazy weather we have been having. I know I would enjoy this one. Your photo of it is terrific.I hope you have a great day. Blessings…Mary


  4. Pingback: Second Annual Heart Healthy Roundup! | The Jey of Cooking.

  5. Pingback: Eat Your Way to Weight Loss with These 7 Recipes for Heart Health – DrGullo.com – Low-Sodium Dieting Recipes

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