Another recipe designed by Dan Lepard, courtesy of the Guardian website. In terms of time and overall process, it is very similar to the semolina barbecue buns I blogged about last week, but it results in a bread with  a much more assertive flavor – thanks to the tomato and rosemary – and gorgeous crumb color. Even if you are new to bread baking, this recipe will not cause you any grievance – I promise… 😉


(Dan Lepard)
receita em portugues na pagina seguinte

100 g yogurt  (3.5 ounces)
25 g tomato paste (1 ounce)
25 ml olive oil (1 + 1/2 Tbs)
125 ml warm water (3.7 oz)
150 g sundried tomatoes in oil, roughly chopped (5 oz)
1 sprig rosemary, leaves picked
400 g bread flour (14 oz)
1½ tsp salt
1 tsp instant dry yeast
Polenta or coarse cornmeal, for shaping

Mix together the yogurt, tomato paste and oil, add the warm water and stir in the tomatoes and rosemary. Put the flour, salt and yeast in a mixing bowl, pour in the tomato mixture and work to a soft dough. Leave resting for 10 minutes, lightly knead on an oiled surface for 10 seconds, and return to the bowl. Repeat this minimal, quick kneading cycle twice more at 10-minute intervals, then leave the dough covered at room temperature for one hour.

Pat the dough into an oval, roll it tightly like a scroll, then roll it back and forth on the worktop, pressing down the ends so they taper slightly. Brush with water and roll in polenta or coarse cornmeal. Place seam-side down on a tray lined with nonstick paper, cover with a cloth and leave for an hour. Slash down the center and bake at 425 F (220 C) for 45 minutes. Allow it to completely cool before slicing.


to print the recipe, click here

Comments: My favorite type of bread is a sourdough, made with a mixture of white and rye flours, sometimes a little whole wheat flour added in the formula.  Open crumb, hearty crust, a great match for any type of meal.  Having said that, I agree with Dan Lepard: this loaf has its place in the world, bread snobs should not be twisting their noses at it.  It smells terrific while it’s baking, almost as if you are making pizza.   Enjoy it with smoked ham or prosciutto, and for a more mellow alternative try a ricotta-based spread (ricotta, lemon zest, salt and pepper: simple, understated, but delicious).

I am submitting this red-tinted loaf to Susan’s Yeastspotting

ONE YEAR AGO: Light Whole Wheat Bread

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(Dan Lepard)

100 g de iogurte
25 g de extrato de tomate
25 ml de azeite (1 + 1 / 2 colheres de sopa)
125 ml de água morna
150 g de tomates secos em óleo, picados
1 raminho de alecrim, folhas picadas
400 g de farinha de pão
1 ½ colher de chá de sal
1 colher de chá de fermento biologico levedura
Polenta ou fubá grosso, para formar a crosta

Misture o iogurte, tomate e azeite, adicione a água morna e acrescente o tomate e alecrim. Coloque a farinha, o sal e o fermento em uma tigela, despeje a mistura de tomate e misture ate’ que fique mais ou menos homogeneo. Deixe descansar por 10 minutos, sove levemente por 10 segundos, e coloque de volta na tigela. Repita esse ciclo de dez segundos de sovar a massa duas vezes, em intervalos de dez minutos, e ao final deixe a massa coberta em temperatura ambiente por uma hora.

Abra a massa delicadamente em formato retangular e enrole para formar um pao com extremidades alongadas. Coloque um pouco de polenta ou fuba’ sobre papel manteiga, pincele a superficie do pao com agua e coloque sobre o fuba’, movendo o pao para que as laterais sejam cobertas com a farinha. Cubra com um pano e deixe descansar por uma hora. Faca um corte central com uma lamina ou faca afiada, e leve ao forno a 220 C por 45 minutos. Deixe esfriar completamente antes de cortar.


    • (knocking on wood…) no problems with this one… I try to heat the oven for a while and open the door quickly, then leave it without moving it around for fear that the temperature would drop too much if I open the door again.

      I intend to try something a little more “daring” next weekend, let’s see what happens


  1. Pingback: How to Grow The Biggest Juiciest Tomatoes The Easy Way | garden plants

  2. Como vai? Sally.
    This looks fabulous… and thanks for the conversions.
    It looks easy enough. I can picture eating this with a warm
    drink on a cold winter morning here on the east coast.


    • Lisa, I still want to make that flatbread you recently blogged about, the one with tomato in the dough

      I’m hoping to do it this coming weekend, although it seems almost doable on a weeknight (I gotta double check your recipe)


  3. I think I’m in a minority because I don’t like tomato bread. Not sure why I don’t, but then I am not a sun dried tomato fan either, so maybe that’s why. But on a more upbeat note it looks bootiful from here!! a handsome and perky loaf with a glorious open slash across the top, and I bet yours tastes better than ones I’ve tried before 🙂


    • If you are not into tomato-bread, this is definitely NOT for you.. 🙂

      I was afraid it would taste a bit “acidic” with all the yogurt, tomato paste, but it was surprisingly “mellow”.

      Thanks for stopping by, Joanna….


    • Mark, thanks for stopping by! I “know” you from your comments over at Celia’s site, a place I visit on a daily basis (or almost! 😉

      I agree with you on the “acidic” food – nothing like a little kick on the taste buds to make them happy….


  4. Pingback: YeastSpotting September 24, 2010 | Wild Yeast

  5. As you know, I now need help kneading so I tried mixing this in the bread machine on the dough setting. It came out fine–nice oven spring and DH loved it. Since the first loaf was auch a hit, I tried it again yesterday only subbed some black olives for the tomatoes and it is wonderful too(calamata would be even better). This one will go into my personal Tried and True. Thanks for sharing this one, it goes so well with soup or pasta.


    • Wonderful that you loved it, Jean! I do believe that kalamata olives will make that bread even better, so I’m glad you had a chance to try adding olives to the recipe.
      I’m wondering what bread to bake this weekend…. tough decisions ahead! 😉


        • definitely! No problem with that at all…

          hope you like this bread, I haven’t made it in a while, but just made a sesame / carrot loaf from Lepard this past weekend, reminded me of this loaf. It was great too. Lepard is a genius!


            • Good luck, Shanna… I will be without internet for a few days, but if you get into a “sticky situation”, you can always go to thefreshloaf.com – a bunch of extremely experienced and helpful bakers over there, more than a few times they saved the day for me 😉


  6. Ooops, our comments crossed path – if I was going to be around a little longer, I would try to contact Dan Lepard himself, but I am about to leave for my trip. I never tried to ferment overnight this type of bread, only those with sourdough starter, so I honestly don’t know. Maybe you could post this question at The Fresh Loaf forum?

    let me know if you do it, now you got me curious too! 😉


    • Made it with great results ! I just did the first steps. First I used my trusty kitchenaid to mix the dough and did al the flips and transferred into the fridge until the next day. Let it come to room temperature, shaped it and let it rise for the last time. Just one question, is it normal that the dough is really sticky? I wasn’t quit sure about that….


      • GREAT! So happy it worked for you!

        yes, the dough is sticky, in fact most of the recipes by Dan are more on the sticky side, which is pretty much called for to have a better texture in the crumb. Most people who are not into bread baking tend to add too much flour to prevent the dough from sticking, and that leads to a tough dough. Dan recommends either wetting your hand with water or rubbing a little oil to make it easier to handle the dough.

        Wonderful! I should have that carrot sesame loaf ready to blog within one week, I think…. hope you try that too


        • I am a bread baker so I didn’t use more flour 😉 ! Liquid in bread is a natural bread dough enhancer as far as I am concerned so I never use extra flour ( even if al the bread sticks to my hands 😉 ) but I know European flour isn’t the same as American flour so I wasn’t sure what consistency I was looking for 🙂 oh carrot bread, my husband would love that! Can’t wait!!!


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