Today I share six recipes from blogs I follow and love. You can find the links to each recipe so you can visit the original source and get to know them too…

Here they are, in the chronological order they showed up in our kitchen…



Haniela is a cookie decorator, but her blog covers all kinds of cooking, including savory stuff. Definitely worth subscribing to her feed. This particular recipe can be found here. The chocolate variation is in the end of the post, I made no changes and used the highest amount of powdered sugar listed. I made them as sandwich cookies, and used a little caramel buttercream that I had leftover from another project. Recipe for the filling is here. I loved the contrast of the chocolate with the caramel buttercream, so keep that combination in mind.



Martin blogged on these cookies right after the Botanical Episode from Great British Bake Off aired in the US. He’s been very diligent about baking along with the show, and of course, he is the best person to do that, having won the last Great American Baking Show, with a totally stellar performance. I was lucky to meet him in person when we were in London taping season 5. The recipe for these super tasty cookies can be found here.

If you’ve never baked with lemon verbena, please do so, it has very unique flavor and works absolutely perfectly in a shortbread format. I made no changes whatsoever to his recipe, and it turned out wonderful!



Sigteboller are Salted Rye Rolls, made with a little rye sourdough starter and some commercial yeast. Rye is a very tricky flour to work with, but I had no issues with this recipe. Both hubby and I absolutely LOVED these rolls. The salt on top is a touch of genius, but everything works with them. The taste and texture, spot on. I think Paul Hollywood should send a virtual handshake to Karen for these! Recipe available here.



Also known as German Hazelnut Macaroons, these should go into the OMG files of Baking… Helen does it again, shares a recipe that is super simple to prepare but amazes the tastebuds once you try a bite. My only change was to use Nutella to fill them because I realized too late that I had no seedless raspberry jam in our pantry. You can find her recipe and super detailed tutorial here.



In case you don’t know, Tanya was my tent-baking friend in Season 5 of The Great American Baking Show and we have kept in touch ever since. Recently she and her husband visited us and we baked together, but that is a story to be told another time (SOON!). Tanya’s recipes always work, and if she says something is irresistible, I pay attention. I was forced to modify the buttercream icing, because her original post uses cream cheese frosting, but I never know for how long the cupcakes will sit at room temperature once I donate them. I felt it was safer to go the route of American buttercream, so I “spiced it up” to go along with the cake. They smell simply amazing, and although I did not get to try any, the reviews from the volunteers who served them made me super happy, and I am sure Tanya will be glad to hear that also! You can find her recipe here. For the buttercream, I used my default recipe adding 1 tsp cinnamon, 1/2 tsp ginger, 1/4 tsp allspice.



Caro’s blog is one of my go-to sites when I want a recipe that will not disappoint. As I mentioned before, her posts are real tutorials, all the details that matter to make a recipe work. These cheese crackers are addictive – salty, hot to the right level, great texture. I used two types of hard cheese for them, so play with what you have in the fridge and have fun. Recipe can be found here.

I admit that I had a little help while making them, as far as timing exactly when they were perfectly done!


ONE YEAR AGO: Crispy Air-Fried Zucchini

TWO YEARS AGO: Pasta with Cremini Mushroom Ragu

THREE YEARS AGO: A Magical Marinade

FOUR YEARS AGO: Roast Veggies with Black Barley

FIVE YEARS AGO: Pumpkin Sourdough

SIX YEARS AGO: First Monday Favorite

SEVEN YEARS AGO: Secret Recipe Club: Paalak Paneer, a Farewell Post

EIGHT YEARS AGO: In My Kitchen, November 2015

NINE YEARS AGO: Helen Fletcher’s Oatmeal Cookies

TEN YEARS AGO: Thai-Style Pesto with Brown Rice Pasta

ELEVEN YEARS AGO: Shrimp with Spicy Orange Sauce

TWELVE YEARS AGO:  A Simple Appetizer (Baked Ricotta)

THIRTEEN YEARS AGO: Sour Cream Sandwich Bread

FOURTEEN YEARS AGO: Pasta with Zucchini Strands and Shrimp


  1. Thank you for the recipe posts. I just bought an adjustable double ended multi-wheel cutter, and right there in those recipes are more ways that I can use the tool for even cutting.


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