I don’t quite know how to soften the blow, so here it goes: this post brings  you my last sorbet of the year.  I know, it is cruel and devastating. The bleak reality is that we must wrap our minds around stews, soups, and braises. Maybe a chocolate bread pudding, or a batch of brownies topped with caramel sauce. But the clock is ticking for sorbets, so here is my contribution to sweeten up that brief period of bliss known as “Indian Summer.”

Peach Sorbet

(from the Bewitching Kitchen)

4 to 5 peaches, peeled and cut in small chunks (two very full cups)
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1/3 cup orange juice
1/3 cup lemon juice
1 medium banana, very ripe
3 Tablespoons orange Curaçao

Add all ingredients to a food processor or blender.  Process at full speed until completely smooth, making sure no large pieces of banana are present.  Transfer the mixture to a bowl and refrigerate for several hours, preferably overnight.

Transfer the sorbet mixture to your ice cream maker and churn according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Store in the freezer.


to print the recipe, click here

Comments: Sorbets are such simple desserts, since no cooking is involved. I like to include a banana in our sorbets because it improves texture and it also makes the sorbet slightly more substantial. You could leave it out. The same is true for the orange Curaçao, but unless you have something against using alcohol in your cooking, go for it. It won’t taste alcoholic at all, but it will boost the orange flavor.

I like this type of sweet served without any adornment, but the resident sorbet expert thinks that a small square of semi-sweet chocolate never hurts.  I must say he has a point…

If you’re headed to winter misery like we are, make a batch of this sorbet as soon as possible. Enjoy it as you stare at your fireplace and try to figure out how many days you have before turning that thing on. If you live in Australia, Brazil, India, Jamaica, New Zealand, please invite me for a 3-month visit… What? Way too long? I beg you to re-consider: for the most part I am very well-behaved, and love doing dishes!

ONE YEAR AGO: Winner of the 1 million page give-away…

TWO YEARS AGO: Just married!


FOUR YEARS AGO:  Oven-broiled Salmon over Saucy Spinach

FIVE YEARS AGO: Butterscotch Brownies

SIX YEARS AGO: First Soup of the Year


    • Wow, that looks awesome! I also love the word “syllabub” – gotta make some and blog about for the beauty of it…;-)

      I guess one could try and make a granita out of the peach concoction? Could work well, but to tell you the truth I don’t have much patience for all that grating and putting it back in the freezer… I am a very impatient creature….

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Mmmmmm! You know we would love this. 4 spoons hands down and I don’t even need a taste to know that. 🙂 I will say as much as I don’t want summer to end, you’ve made me start craving bread pudding now!


    • yes, the banana thing works very well – I started using after all that craze of processing a banana and freezing it – the texture is perfectly ice-creamy. So in sorbets it improves the grainy texture quite a bit. Of course it needs to be used sparingly because the taste can overpower.


  2. A beautiful summer swan song indeed 🙂 ps. still riding in the high 80s here – sure you don’t want to join our endless summer? we could nibble on peach sorbet while the four-leggeds frolic in the lemon trees 😀


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