This is pretty much a non-recipe, but a few details made this preparation so delicious, I must share. First of all, you’ll need to use the best juicy large tomatoes you can find. We got heirloom tomatoes that turned out perfect. Slice them thick, no skinny slices. Same goes for the eggplant slices, and once you grill them, 2 minutes per side and you are done. This will preserve some of the eggplant texture, it won’t go all mushy on you.  I often make the mistake of over-grilling eggplant. It gets bitter and limp. No bueno city.

Eggplant Stacks

(from the Bewitching Kitchen)

1/4 cup olive oil
juice of half a lemon
Herbes de Provence to taste
salt and pepper to taste
2 big Heirloom tomatoes
1 medium eggplant
4 slices of mozzarella cheese

Make the dressing by mixing the olive oil, lemon juice, herbs, salt and pepper. Whisk well to emulsify.

Cut the eggplant in thick slices and brush each side with some of the dressing.  Reserve.  Slice the tomatoes, place over a platter and brush each slice very slightly with the dressing.  Reserve.

Grill the eggplant two minutes per side on a very hot grill. While hot from the grill, assemble the stacks, starting with a thick tomato slice, then a slice of hot eggplant on top. Add a slice of mozzarella, continue stacking the veggies. Top with a thin mozzarella slice, and drizzle any dressing leftover on top.  Add a tad more salt and serve.


to print the non-recipe, click here

Comments: Sometimes simplicity is all you need in life. I didn’t anticipate making a post about this dish, but considering how much we both loved it, I had to share.  Resist the idea of melting the mozzarella on top by running the dish under a broiler or something.  It’s all a play with contrasting temperature and texture. The tomato will be just barely warm from cozying up with the grilled eggplant, and that will intensify its taste in a delightful way. I said it once, but will say it again, do not grill the eggplant to death. Assemble the stacks, bring them to the table, and pair them with any main dish you feel like it. I suppose two of these stacks could work well as a light meal. If you have some bread with it, even better. Some leaves of fresh basil in between the layers would be a nice touch, which unfortunately I thought about only a couple of hours later.  Such is life…

I hope you’ll give this a try before summer is over…  (typing this last phrase just about sent me into a crying fit. I am such a sensitive creature…)

ONE YEAR AGO: The Couscous that Wasn’t

TWO YEARS AGO: Apple-Cinnamon Bread

THREE YEARS AGO: Blueberry Galette

FOUR YEARS AGO: In My Kitchen, August 2011

FIVE YEARS AGO: Journey to a New Home

SIX YEARS AGO: Friday Night Dinner


  1. Boa combinacao; tks for sharing Achei interessante seu comentario/warning pra não overcook a beringela. Eu sempre erro o ponto qdo faco meu melanzaneŠ Achar o ponto certo é uma arteŠ


    • exactamundo! Acho que o lance e’ cortar em fatias mais grossas e usar o 2 min per side. Resistir a ideia de deixar “so’ mais um pouquinho” – Dessa vez acertei na mosca! 😉


  2. I like the thought of cold, fresh mozz on top of a grilled stack. Glad you posted. Non-recipe or not, this is a great idea and one I wouldn’t have thought of. We’re actually doing eggplant parm tonight. Maybe I’ll grab an extra eggplant for later in the week now too. 🙂 And let’s just keep those thoughts of summer ending at bay. 😉 I can’t take it (as I sit her in a long sleeve shirt). We’ve been promised warmer temps next week. Let’s hope.


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