Tomato, tomahto = sorbet, sherbet?  Not quite.  Tomato and tomahto are the exact same creature, whereas the other pair refers to different concoctions.  Sorbet has no dairy in it, sherbet contains up to 3% milk fat (from milk or cream).  Pass the 3% level and you’ll get to ice cream territory. Feeling enlightened yet?  😉  I found this recipe in the latest issue of Bon Appetit, and the words “roasted strawberry” and “buttermilk” made me dream.  The stars must be in a lucky alignment, because very little time elapsed between reading the recipe and getting to work.  Fresh blueberries were a perfect match for this slightly tangy dessert.


(adapted from Bon Appetit, July 2013)

4 cups strawberries (about 1 pound), hulled, halved or quartered
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 vanilla bean, split lengthwise
1 cup buttermilk
1/3 cup sour cream
Pinch of kosher salt

Heat oven to 425°. Combine strawberries and sugar in a 13 x 9 inches baking pan. Scrape in seeds from vanilla bean and add pod; toss to combine. Roast berries, stirring occasionally, until juices are bubbling,  about 20 minutes. Let cool.

Discard vanilla pod. Purée berries, buttermilk, sour cream, and salt in a blender until smooth. Place in the fridge for several hours or overnight. Process mixture in an ice cream maker according to manufacturer’s instructions. Transfer sherbet to an airtight container and freeze until ready to serve.


to print the recipe, click here


Comments:  My modifications of the recipe involved cutting down the sugar (the original called for 1 full cup) and reducing the buttermilk amount. The reduction in sugar had to do with our personal preference. The reduction in buttermilk had to do with the size of my blender.  One cup filled it almost to the very top, a little more and we would have a buttermilk tsunami in the kitchen.  I don’t think it made much difference, but check the link to the original recipe online in case you prefer to follow it.  If you use the recipe I posted, please taste the mixture before you place it in the ice cream machine. You might prefer it a little sweeter than we do.

Add a little marshmallow topping and you’ll have a perfect dessert for the 4th of July celebrations: red white and blue, with Summer written all over it.  😉


For those who live in the US, have a wonderful 4th of July!

ONE YEAR AGO: Amazing Ribs for the 4th of July!

TWO YEARS AGO: Baby Back Ribs on the 4th of July

THREE YEARS AGO: Blueberry Muffins

FOUR YEARS AGO: A Pie for your 4th of July


  1. This sounds so refreshing, Sally. That bowl, sherbet, and blueberries in your opening photo make for one great picture. You should send it to Gourmet. Nothing they’ve printed could top that photo — and they should consider incorpoarating your modifications, as well. 😉


    • Denise, I tried to comment many times during my trip, but for some reason your site messes up when reading with the iPad. Has anyone mentioned this to you? If you scroll down to the end to get a comment going, it keeps rolling and popping ads continuously. I tried and tried, it was simply impossible. I am back with my computer connections, so hopefully it’s a thing of the past 😉


  2. Happy 4th Sally! I hope you guys have a great long weekend! I love your red white and blue sherbet. And thank you for the explanation of the difference between sorbet and sherbet. I’ve often wondered and even had many discussions about that. You would think that in today’s day and age I would have looked it up on the internet by now, but for some reason I never have. Now I know. Thank you! 🙂


    • Thank you, Kristy! I think sherbet is probably my favorite type of frozen dessert – just enough fat to give a pleasing texture and mouth-feel, but not overly rich


  3. That’s so cool that this is made with roasted strawberries – love that idea! And yes, every time I hear the word ‘buttermilk’ it causes and instant melting sensation in my body. Pavlov would have loved me ;-). I hope you have a wonderful July 4th celebration Sally — thinking of all of my American friends! enjoy it to the fullest along with a big bowl of this beautiful sherbet! (thank you, by the by, for the dairy/fat distinctions in this post too – enlightening indeed).


    • Wouldn’t it be fun to take a peek at what other bloggers bookmark from a particular issue of Bon Appetit, Fine Cooking, Cooking Light? I bet there would be some “common denominators”


    • You and me both, first time roasting strawberries – actually I think it’s the first time I roasted any fruit, although it is a bit early, the caffeine has not kicked in yet, so I might be forgetting something 😉


  4. Pingback: STRAWBERRY RECIPES – Caroline's Easy Baking Lessons

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