If you have cholesterol-issues,  omit the egg on top, otherwise go for it!  I actually do a lighter version of the “sunny-side-up” using a trick I read somewhere last year.  I spray a very small amount of olive oil on a non-stick pan, once it’s very hot I place the egg, and season it with salt and pepper.  When the bottom part is setting up, I quickly pour 1 tablespoon of water on the side of the egg, and cover the pan with a lid.  It works best with a lid smaller than the frying pan, so that the egg is fully enclosed by a shot of steam.   This makes the top of the yolk set nicely without that slimy white that turns most people off…  and the amount of fat in this “pseudo-fried” egg is pretty negligible.    Eggs are a great source of protein, and since I have super low cholesterol,  I enjoy them many times per week.     And now, let’s go straight to the  heart of the matter…

(from the Bewitching Kitchen)

to cook the grain:
1 cup kamut , soaked in water (6 hours to overnight)
4 cups water for cooking
1/2 tsp salt

recipe for dressing: 
click here

for the salad:

asparagus, finely sliced in tiny “coins”
diced tomatoes
diced cucumber
sliced celery stalks

Cook the soaked kamut by mixing it with water and salt in a saucepan, bringing it to a boil and gently simmering it for 45 minutes to 1 hour  (taste to decide when it’s fully cooked, but don’t let it get mushy).  Once the grain is cooked to your liking, drain the water. Cool it to room temperature.

Make the salad dressing as described in the “roasted lemon vinaigrette” link. Reserve.

Add the asparagus, cucumbers, and celery slices to a small bowl, moisten with some of the salad dressing, mixing to lightly coat the veggies. Amounts are flexible, use as much or as little of each veggie as you feel like.

When ready to serve the salad, mix the cooked kamut with the veggie/vinaigrette mixture, add the tomatoes, and adjust seasoning with salt and pepper.  If you like, add  some lemon zest on top. Enjoy it as a side dish for meats, or with a “figure-friendly” sunny-side egg on top.  It is also excellent all by itself.


to print the recipe, click here

Comments:  Kamut is a close relative to farro, so you can use either one.  Sometimes farro is hard to find, whereas I never have any trouble getting kamut. I am quite fond of salads made with grains because they are filling, nutritious, and lighter than most types of side-dishes one would pair with meat.

Is this post coming from the new Bewitching Kitchen?  No, not yet.  Life is extremely frantic and won’t get much better in the near future. Until the dust settles,  I will be publishing posts from stuff made before our move.  Rest assured, there will be quite a bit of blog-noise when the first post from the new kitchen is up!  😉

ONE YEAR AGO: Pane de Casa & Crostini

TWO YEARS AGO: Down-home Dig-in Chili (fantastic recipe, by the way!)

THREE YEARS AGO:  Cinnamon Rolls