For four long years we had to deal with serious dog aggression issues between Buck and Chief. Serious as: if left alone Chief would get killed by Buck. Simple like that. It was a huge challenge to keep it all under control for such a long time, and for obvious reasons we were worried about bringing Bogey, an adult, strong-willed dalmatian to our home. After getting advice from our friend Cindy and also reading a lot of stuff online, we planned our strategy. Phil would pick up the dogs at the kennel, I would stay with Bogey in the house.  When he arrived, we would take first Oscar and Bogey for a walk together. I would be outside the house (neutral territory) with Bogey on a leash, Phil would bring Oscar with him, also on a leash.  We would go up and down the street, then release them in the backyard.  Let them be there for a while, then do the same with Buck (the problem child) and Bogey.  I cannot tell you how nervous and anxious I was. First thing that happened, Oscar and Bogey snapped at each other. Not too bad, but that was their first hello, and my world seemed to collapse a little. Phil did not let that bother him, decided it was a normal reaction and we should follow with our plans. Soon they started sniffing each other’s behinds, and apparently they liked what they sniffed. They hung out together in the backyard, no issues.


Then, with my heart racing, we did the same with Buck, and there were two pretty serious snapping episodes from Buck, matched with a scary growl, but then he calmed down.  I was so anxious that I could not witness the release of the beasts in the backyard. I was sure it was going to end in a horrible dog fight. Well, I was wrong. They were totally fine!  Next step was to have the three together outside, and you can see for yourself how it went:


Here’s the amazing turn of events: Buck behaves like a pot of honey, whereas the one causing a bit of trouble is Oscar, very jealous of me. He is always following Bogey and showing his displeasure for him being around.  He lies on Bogey’s bed the moment Bogey stands up and leaves his spot, grabs his toys and takes them away, just like a spoiled brat. Yeah, that’s our Oscar.  But he is not a fool and knows not to pick a fight with a dog who outweighs him by more than 40 pounds. So we turned a big page and life should slowly get back into a new routine.  Bogey has a lot of adjustment to go through. He was used to sleeping in a bed cuddling with his Mom, he was always inside staring at the window and furiously barking at passing cars and dogs…  Now he will be part of The Pack of the Fabulous Three.  I thank my friend Elaine for the term, by the way, although truth be told, her real term was “The Fabulous Five.”  Is she super nice or what?




ONE YEAR AGO: Turkey-Chorizo Burger with Green Chile Dressing


THREE YEARS AGO: Semolina Sourdough Boule 

FOUR YEARS AGO: Forgive me, for I have sinned

FIVE YEARS AGOCracked Wheat Sandwich Bread

SIX YEARS AGO:  Au Revoir, my Bewitching Kitchen

SEVEN YEARS AGO:  French Bread


“There’s no place like home”
(Dorothy Gale,  The Wizard of Oz, 1934)

My life has been an amazing journey.  I’ve lived in different countries, worked in different labs, and changed my line of research quite a bit over the years.  The last drastic move was from Paris, France to Norman, Oklahoma, in what was classic “culture shock.”   However,  the past 18 years in this small town were the happiest of my life.   It’s always great to go back to Paris, or visit New York,  to spend time in California, or chill out with my folks in Sao Paulo, but life in a college town has unique appeal.  And because we’ve had such a great time living and working here, we expected to call Norman our home forever.

But it was not meant to be.  A new, exciting adventure lies ahead: Phil accepted the position of the Head of the Department of Biochemistry at Kansas State University, so we’ll move our home (and our lab) to another college town!   About the same size of Norman when we first arrived here almost 20 years ago, Manhattan seems like a great place.  We are ready to face this  challenge together.   If it all goes according to plan, we will move around the last week of June, and then move the lab a couple of months after that.

Home is wherever I’m with you.
(Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeroes,  2009)