In My Kitchen posts are hosted by Sherry, from  Sherry’s Pickings. Please visit her site to see whateverybody else is sharing this month. I join four times each year, on the first day of January, April, July and October. If you are a food blogger, considering taking part of this fun event. It is chance to share those little things you bought or received as gifts and that make your life in the kitchen easier. 

Starting with gifts…. quite a few to share!

From the husband, a brand new, bigger and better air-fryer! I am totally in love with this one, the #1 recommended by America’s Test Kitchen. Instant Vortex Plus Air-Fryer. A total game-changer when it comes to air-frying, compared to our old Lolita, which we bought in 2017 (check it out here).

From our friends Lorne and Wasu, several gifts for cookie making, but I am highlighting this one because this is one amazing set of food safe pens. They are all double-sided with a thin and a brush type point, and the set comes with a gold and a silver pen, absolutely fantastic quality. I’ve been using them A LOT.

From my folks in Brazil, a series of cow-thingies. It is part of a family joke. Two kitchen drying cloths and a tea cup. The yellow embroidery was made by my sister Norma, too cute for words!

This is a gift that the husband gave to himself, as he is the barista in our place. When we were at my niece Raquel’s home in Brazil, she and her husband Celso would use this special steamer that Phil totally fell in love with. So he got one and I tell you, it makes the most amazing foam. Ordering info here.

From a colleague from our department, a fantastic apron he bought in India during a recent visit… isn’t that the coolest apron?

In our kitchen…

Pistachio Flour, great for many concoctions, from shortbread cookies to macarons, and cakes. Smells amazing!

In our kitchen…

I have a weak spot for spice mixes, and this one was brough to my attention in a recent episode of Girl Meets Farm. She used it in a carrot cake and I was sold. Check her recipe here, and stay tuned because I shall make it soon! It is also wonderful in sourdough bread, as you will learn in the very near future.

In our kitchen…

I can never resist color. Yet another gentle suggestion from my friend Gary, who told me I needed to have them (ordering info here). I don’t discuss with friends. I follow their advice. His fault. Obviously.

In our kitchen…

As far as unusual cookie cutters, this might take first prize. It is a beetle! It so happened because a friend of mine dared me cookie some beetles. And that’s what I did! I REALLY do not discuss with friends. Cookie cutter available here.

In our kitchen…

These are the original Oreo type cookies. Phil is the one who brought them to my attention, as he remembers them vividly from his childhood days. They are less sweet, more intense in the chocolate flavor, and are also firmer in texture. I have been using them to make chocolate-covered concoctions such as those blogged about recently (see post here).

In our kitchen….

Crystallized Ginger pieces. These are luscious. Of al the brands I’ve tried, these are by far the best. If you are going to use them in cookies, you’ll need to cut in smaller pieces but the flavor you get from them is superior to anything else out there. Click here to order some.

In our kitchen…

Fat-free cocoa powder (ordering info here), my absolute favorite to bake macarons and to make chocolate Royal icing, as you can see here and here.




We don’t really know what happened to him. In his place, a fierce, huge, powerful pup showed up, out of nowhere!

With so much energy and curiosity, we followed the advice of some friends and got a little puzzle for Prince to play with. He was quite intrigued to say the least…

The puzzle has two levels. The dog can get the goodies from the outside doors, and once that is empty, he can bang on the top to release some more. Prince got the first level figured out quite quickly, but when Oscar had his chance to play, he surprised us by getting to the second level right away, as you can see in this short video:

We don’t know if Prince would get to that in a few more rounds of play because thanks to Oscar’s excessive enthusiasm, the toy did not last long enough. A moment of silence. Please and thank you.

The fierce pup has a strange adoration for shoes….

Incredible resilience in tug-of-war games….

And the uncanny ability to generate chaos in all areas of our home, aka His Kingdom…


Well, Osky… The Annoying One has quite a few things going for him…

He is very liberal with his hugs and kisses…

He enjoys watching the shows we love….

He is a great help with my baking…


Tries hard to keep up with his parent’s day job!


And look how amazing he is at the golf course!

Finally, who could possibly resist those head tilts?

All things considered, we think you can learn to live with His Royal Annoyance…
There is room and love for everybody in this kingdom…


I close this post with a little call from the past. We miss them. We are glad they were part of our pack, but we do miss them still. They were special in so many ways. I could never quite put into words my bond with Buck. I guess it will stay like that. Something only me and that little being were fully aware of. And BogeyQT. How could we ever forget him?


That’s all for now, folks! We’ll be back for the Summer chapter of In Prince’s Kingdom!


ONE YEAR AGO: In My Kitchen, April 2022

TWO YEARS AGO: In My Kitchen, April 2021

THREE YEARS AGO: In My Kitchen, April 2020

FOUR YEARS AGO:  In My Kitchen, April 2019

FIVE YEARS AGO: In My Kitchen, April 2018

SIX YEARS AGO: First Monday Favorite

SEVEN YEARS AGO: In My Kitchen, April 2016

EIGHT YEARS AGO: Spring has Sprung with Suzanne Goin

NINE YEARS AGO: Chai Brownies

TEN YEARS AGO: Pomegranate-Molasses Glazed Carrots

ELEVEN YEARS AGO: Braised Brisket with Bourbon-Peach Glaze

TWELVE YEARS AGO: The Real Vodka Sauce

THIRTEEN YEARS AGO: Spring Rolls on a Spring Day

31 thoughts on “IN MY KITCHEN, SPRING 2023

  1. Oh Lordie – at the rate Prince is going I know who is going to be writing the summer edition of this posting! Well, before all two-leggeds have not become extraneous . . . I just LOVE your new air-fryer and had never sighted pistachio flour or Yemenite spice mix, tho’ can sort’of guess what the latter might contain . . . fab 1 April read !!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. We have 2 Royal Annoyances as well. One who just turned two and and who’s just one. Ay yay yy! The mess is unbelievable. But who can live without dogs?!! I love those spoons! You have great friends. Love the videos!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I truly love these posts about what you have, what you received and tidbits about your family including the pups. Obviously, I have never met Prince, but he has captured my heart. So much so, that I would consider a Dalmatian over a Golden Retriever as our next pet. That’s a long way off I hope because I love my 2 puppies so much. Great post.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Love these posts as always, Sally. Just wanted to say that though those are the cutest beetles ever, I see a devil looking at the cookie cutter alone, sans pitchfork, of course. In case you ever wanted to make devil cookies. lol.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I loved this post! Everything about it exudes LOVE! You allow us to experience all the delights of your kitchen and your world, and it is so full of joy and authenticity that we don’t want to get to the end of the post! What a wonderful world you create In Your Kitchen!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I use hawaj in soup and savory things but never thought of it for sweets. I learned about it from a Yemeni-Israeli friend, and I have bought the Israeli brands of the blend, which of course could be different.

    Nice dogs! Very cute cookies!

    best… mae at

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Oh, a new air fryer! Very cool!

    Our puppy is now 10 months old. I tell him quite regularly that we are going to have to trade him in for a younger model because he has grown so quickly, and has a big dog bark to go with it!

    I use chopped up crystalised ginger in and apple and ginger self saucing pudding and also in a walnut, carrot and ginger cake. So good!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I must look for pistachio flour when we are in Italy. And I also like that brand of crystallized ginger. Hannah loves her food safe pens – she paints faces on the marshmallows before eating them. As for a puppy puzzle, what a great idea. Holly would eat it though as she devours anything made from plastic 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I wonder if we can get pistachio flour here in Aus? Sounds interesting. Love the doggy photos! I’d love another dog but hubby ain’t keen. Love the beetles, and the French Bull spoons – I think I have a server of theirs. Here in Queensland, they grow 70% of the world’s ginger supply, so I like to use their ginger in cakes and chutneys. THanks muchly for joining in this month. Have a fab month and happy easter!

    Liked by 1 person

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