For those who like it really hot…

Diablo Bread

It’s been a while since I blogged about bread, in fact I have a nice bread post waiting patiently in a long line to show up here, but last weekend I stumbled upon a very interesting recipe, and made it right away. I  simply could not wait to share because it’s so unusual and intriguing. A very simple no-knead dough using instant yeast, but here is the devilish twist: the dough is flavored with red pepper flakes and…. ready for this? Sriracha sauce!  Can you imagine it? Now, I am a certified Sriracha-cheerleader, but never imagined adding it to bread. Apparently no one had, until DeKay did a search in google for Sriracha and no-knead bread, and came up empty-handed. He took matters into his own hands (sorry, lousy pun), and made this version.  I could not wait to try it. It turned out awesome, and I think any Sriracha lover will fall in love with the devil after trying a piece.  Ok, if not with the devil himself, definitely with his bread..  But, before I give you the recipe, let me share a cartoon that cracked me up the other day. Perfect!

(Photo credit: Benjamin Schwartz/The New Yorker Collection/The Cartoon Bank)

Conde Nast TagID: cncartoons031905/Photo via Conde Nast

Conde Nast TagID: cncartoons031905/Photo via Conde Nast

(adapted from The Mad Scientist Labs)

400 grams unbleached all-purpose flour
7 grams table salt
1/2 teaspoon instant dry yeast
1 tablespoon crushed red pepper flakes
260 grams cool water (55 – 65 °F)
60 grams (4 tablespoons) Sriracha sauce (go for it!)
Wheat bran for dusting

Mix the flour. salt, yeast, and pepper flakes together in a medium-sized bowl. Add in the water and Sriracha sauce. Mix using a wooden spoon or your hand until all of the flour is incorporated and the dough is sticky. This should only take 30 seconds or so. Add more water if the dough seems too dry.

Transfer the dough to another bowl lightly oiled or sprayed with cooking spray. Leave one hour at room temperature, remove the dough to a lightly flour surface and knead it 8 to 10 times.  Place it back in  the bowl, cover with oiled plastic wrap and leave it at room temperature for 3 more hours.  Place it in the refrigerator overnight (about 12 hours).   Remove the dough from the fridge,  dump it into a lightly floured surface, and shape it as a ball.  Place it in a banneton or another appropriate container seam side up, dusted with wheat bran for its final proofing, two hours at room temperature.

Heat the oven to 450 F.  After the shaped bread proofed for 2 hours, invert it on a sheet of parchment paper, so that the seam side is now down. Slash the surface with a serrated knife, and place it in the oven, using your favorite method to generate steam (I bake my bread inside a large Dutch oven, and cover it with a wet lid).

After 30 minutes, open the lid and allow the bread to brown for 10 to 15 minutes longer.  You can lower the oven to 425 F in case it is browning too fast.

Once the loaf is a nice dark brown, take it out of the pan and set it on a wire rack to cool for at least an hour.


to print the recipe, click here


Be honest with me. Have you ever seen a more awe-inducing color of a bread dough in your whole life? I know, you can hardly continue reading, you want to run away and call your family and close friends over, then your neighbors, and anyone else wandering the streets.  It is pure Sriracha beauty. My dear friend Denise saw this photo and said “you expect to see a flamingo flying out of the dough any minute”. I could not have said it better myself.

My basic change to the recipe was to take it from “no-knead” to “minimal knead.”  I’ve made enough no-knead breads to realize that just one small cycle of minimal kneading or folding does wonders to improve the texture of the crumb.  It is almost as though with no kneading whatsoever you’ll get a slightly harsher crumb, not very well structured.  One cycle of kneading gives the dough a little extra body that pays off in the final product.  Of course, you can skip it and go for a completely knead-free production, you won’t hurt my feelings…

The smell as this bread baked was something!  Sriracha on opioids. I fully agree with  DeKay on the taste, though. It is not overly spicy, baking seems to mellow some of its peppery nature, but make no mistake, it is hot. If you don’t like Sriracha, this bread is not for you. As to the red pepper flakes, I think I like the amount I added, not more.  Every once in a while you bite into a flake and get that hush of heat that lasts just a second or two.  Perfect.   I think this bread would be great paired with a bowl of chili in the winter, but if you toast it lightly and add some tomatoes, mozzarella cheese and run it under the broiler for a minute it is sinful.  Sinful. But then again, what else could you expect from The Bread of the Devil


Crumb1If you’ve been naughty enough, you can have several slices….

ONE YEAR AGO: Heart of Palm Salad Skewers

TWO YEARS AGO: Potluck Frittata and Lavoisier

THREE YEARS AGO: Home-made Corn Tortillas

FOUR YEARS AGO: Whole-Wheat Spaghetti with Peanut Sauce

FIVE YEARS AGO: Brigadeiros: A Brazilian Party!

SIX YEARS AGO: Lemony Asparagus

29 thoughts on “THE DEVIL’S BREAD

  1. Thank the Lord if gluten is ‘back’. Its absence has done oh so much harm to so many human bodies ! And if it is ‘pissed’ I would not blame it for a minute 🙂 ! I have no plan of being ‘naughty’ but I intend to try and make some of your bread . . . and you will have a great weekend won’t you . . . nearly 4pm here . . .


    • you are better than me. Naughty is my middle name… bring the gluten, my friend! bring the Devil’s Bread! 😉

      have a great weekend too! I am not quite there yet, but smiling in anticipation….


  2. I love Sriracha … and red pepper flakes. And gluten. Diablo bread, though, I’ll have to think about for a while. 🙂

    I’ve been playing with bread as well. A week ago I caught some wild yeast and am cultivating a sourdough starter. Because I didn’t want to actually throw away any perfectly good starter, I’ve made sourdough pancakes. My sourdough ciabatta … well, it wasn’t ciabatta. I don’t know WHAT it was. It was my fault though, not the poor sourdough starter so, even though I ended up tossing the results (the slice I tasted was ok but I knew it wasn’t going to get better on standing) I have great hopes that my next sourdough recipe will be a success.


    • sourdough can be tricky in the beginning, and to be honest, sometimes a batch of sourdough simply stops being active enough and it’s best to start all over. But, it’s fun to experiment and even “bad results” can be pretty tasty. If nothing else, think croutons! 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      • The starter I used for the ciabatta was so bubbly I had high hopes. But I guess I didn’t let it proof enough after kneading the starter/dough combo for 5 min in a stand mixer. It wasn’t worth turning into croutons. I’m making pizza crust tomorrow.


          • Pizza crust was a roaring success. I have to make a thinner crust pizza from now on cause using a pound of dough is excessive. 🙂 I used the other pound to make a fougasse. And then I made a batard with asiago cheese, sun dried tomatoes, dried basil and a ‘bit’ too much garlic powder and incorporated 1 cup of starter into my regular recipe. Rose nicely and I was very happy with my shaping.


    • Be strong Mike! Be strong… although I must say if one of my breads would be the one to break the will power of Iron Man, I will take that as THE best compliment ever! So there!


  3. Sally, I’ve been waiting to see this on your blog since you mentioned it on Can’t wait to make it ! Must purchase Sriracha sauce. Thanks for the recipe!


    • Yeah, I decided to move this bread all the way to the top of the line and blog on it right away because it was such an interesting recipe.

      and of course, you must get some Sriracha – I always have a bottle in the fridge because I love it so much and find myself squirting it over all types of dishes….


  4. mais uma das suas maravilhas, duvido que encontraria este molho destas bandas, mas já pensei numa possibilidade, assim como você depois de muitos no knead, descobri que o motivo deles ‘escorregarem” tanto era a ausencia de estrutura pela falta de sova, de um minimo de sova, isto sem falar que a nossa melhor farinha ainda não é das melhores, faço dobras e sovo como você diz minimamente, o resultado teve um up grade, pão encantador. beijos


    • Angela que delicia de comentario! Olha, se voce nao acha Sriracha, tem tantos molhos de pimenta magnificos no patropi, nao deixe que isso te faca esquecer desse pao nao…

      e nao e’ verdade que um tantinho a mais de carinho com a massa de um resultado tao melhor? Minimal kneading na minha opiniao is “the way to go”



  5. This is amazing! We are obsessed with Sriracha in our house! Unfortunately we are a GF household (because of me, makes me terribly ill). I discovered recently that sourdough bread doesn’t bother me, but can’t seem to find a legitimate reason why. Any insight?


    • I gotta say I look at the cartoon and I laugh all over again…. can you STAND the look on that gluten? Talk about pissed off! He is beyond pissed off… 😉

      One of the best cartoons ever!


  6. I love no knead bread – this fiery twist sounds superb. I’m intrigued that after adding four tablespoons of sriracha you describe the flavour as subtle. Must try. I see myself earning major brownie points this weekend – sounds like a winner.


  7. Ooooh! A bread I might actually be able to make – limited kneading, no starters! And we love Sriracha! (Well all of us except Miss A, but she does love to say it!) This sounds delicious. I think I’m definitely going to try and make this one over the fall. 🙂


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