I am so excited because Prudy, the gorgeous hostess of the blog Butter, Basil, and Breadcrumbs invited me to write a guest blog post on her series entitled “Cookie Mondays”.   If you don’t know Prudy’s site, stop what you’re doing and pay her a visit right now!  One of the things I love about her blog is that she shares bits about herself that are incredibly fun to read, and often quite touching and profound.  There will always be a great recipe going along with it, but it’s definitely not just about recipes.  For instance, in a post about fruit sushi, she tells this story about having lunch with her boss when she did not know him very well. I quote:  “Have you ever tried to eat a whole chicken with chopsticks?”  Priceless… Another example, in a post about filled donuts, she shares her experience with the dreaded senior discount (I can totally relate! Me? Old?  You must be kiddin’ me!). One more: imagine a post about peas and carrots that makes you consider a choice between becoming fluent in all languages or able to play any musical instrument… Yeah, only Prudy can pull that one 😉

Anyway, I am honored to be part of the list of lucky bloggers invited to compose a post for her site, and it’s my turn to invite you to read about our adventure making Linzer Cookies! Our adventure, you might ask? Yes, this was a project Phil and I tackled together on a chilly Sunday morning. Fun, fun, fun… and mighty tasty!

Now, without further ado, click here for the full post.



  1. What an incredibly sweet post, Sally… thank you so much for your wonderful words… so kind. ❤ Although I don't feel as though I'm deserving of such kind words!

    The thanks go to YOU, my friend….for agreeing to participate in Cookie Monday… for taking the time out of your crazy busy schedule to bake cookies for me. I was so excited when you said Yes…the thought of a blogger of your league doing this for me, is just beyond exciting…it's thrilling!! It is an honor to have you there today. Truly.

    Thank you so much.. ❤


    • Nice to see you here, I got quite a few new friends who visited and subscribed to the Bewitching thanks to your post!

      looking forward to your next cookie Monday, and all your adventures in and out of COokie World!


    • It is fun, although I do get a bit nervous, worried I won’t do a good job, or the photos will turn out lousy. In fact, for this post I completely screwed up a recipe I wanted to feature. But Linzer turned out great, and festive enough, I suppose


  2. Hi Sally! Swinging over from Prudy’s page! Thanks for sharing such a tasty looking recipe! Linzer cookies always remind me of Europe! I think I first tasted a homemade Linzer cookie when my family had a tour in Germany!


  3. Well now, if you can tackle a Linzer cookie…I think cakes are just around the corner. 😉 I can never turn down a good cookie (especially one without chocolate!). 🙂 Off to check out the recipe.


    • I always think about you when I post about a non-chocolate sweet… particularly cookies….

      Hope you had a chance to browse around Butter, Basil, and Breadcrumbs… a wonderful spot in the blogosphere, the type of blog you read and feel good, you know? Like, like… like a certain blog that hosts some Chopped challenges… 😉

      Liked by 1 person

    • it is hard to keep up with this kind of stuff, I am sure many of the links I’ve included over 14 years are no longer working but such is life, right? Not that many bloggers are stubborn enough to keep going 😉 (cough, cough, cough)


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