I normally schedule my posts to go live a few days in advance. Tonight at midnight a post on sourdough bread would go live.  It will not.  A dear friend of mine, a blogger who loves to bake bread as much as I do, lost a grandson, a 6-year-old little boy,  in the devastating tragedy of Newtown. No bread post today. Instead, a post to  send her the warmest virtual hug I can possibly offer. Life is unbearably cruel sometimes.  And gun control a step our society should stop running away from. Once and for all.

Edited to add:  a fund has been created to help the families affected by this tragedy. Click here if you want to contribute.

Donations to help the family of my friend’s grandson, Noah, can be made by clicking here. In this link you can also read more about beautiful Noah, the youngest victim of this tragedy.

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