I honestly could not remember when was the last time I made a special midweek dinner for us. It seemed like ages, so I browsed the blog and there it was:  May 3rd.  Four  months ago.  Four hectic months.  Slowly we begin to adjust to a new routine, but there’s no doubt that my cooking suffered quite a bit.  Lack of energy, the feeling of being always short on time and exhausted, it all took a toll on me.  But, it’s about time to shake things up a little. This was simple enough to prepare after work, and delivered all that I expected to make that evening – a prisoner in the middle of a busy week – feel very special!

(adapted from Bon Appetit Everyday Meals)

3 large limes
1 tablespoon grapeseed oil
1 shallot, finely chopped
1 large red bell pepper, cut in small dice
1 + 1/2 tablespoons minced fresh ginger
2 teaspoons Thai green curry paste
1 can (about 14 oz) light unsweetened coconut milk
1 tablespoon fish sauce
10 ounces cod fillets, cut into 1 1/2-inch chunks
12 peeled large shrimp
1/3 cup chopped fresh cilantro
1/3 cup chopped fresh basil

Finely grate enough peel from 2 limes to measure 1 + 1/2 teaspoons. Squeeze enough juice from 2 limes to measure 2 tablespoons. Cut third lime into wedges, and reserve for serving.

Heat vegetable oil in large saucepan over medium-high heat. Add the  shallots, bell pepper, and minced ginger; sauté until shallots and peppers soften up slightly, about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.   Stir in curry paste, coconut milk, fish sauce,  lime peel, and 2 tablespoons lime juice. Simmer gently, for a few minutes. Sprinkle fish and shrimp with salt and pepper. Add fish and shrimp to curry sauce. Return to very gentle simmer and cook just until fish and shrimp are opaque in center, 5 to 6 minutes. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Add cilantro and basil; serve with lime wedges, over steamed white rice.  Prepare to receive high praise.


to print the recipe, click here

Comments:  The original recipe used halibut, but I substituted cod because our grocery store had gorgeous looking cod that day, whereas the halibut seemed a bit sad (or, to quote a favorite French expression of mine: pas fameux ;-)).  My other modification was to use green curry paste instead of red, because that’s what I had in my pantry.  As to coconut milk, I almost always use light because it works well for this type of recipe. It is slightly less dense, but feels rich and flavorful enough, with the added bonus of lower fat content.

ONE YEAR AGOPost-workout Breakfast

TWO YEARS AGO: Semolina Barbecue Buns

THREE YEARS AGO: Lavash Crackers


    • For quite some time now, quick is all I’m able to do – actually the same goes for Phil on his nights to cook, so it’s good to have a few options of recipes that truly deliver flavor without being too fussy to make


  1. I don’t cook anywhere near enough seafood dishes and this one seems beautiful as well as tasty. It’s time to give another one an appearance in my kitchen. Thank you for the inspiration. 🙂


  2. Curry, coconut, lime… my toes are curling… I love Thai inspired dishes! How nice that you found the time to prepare and enjoy a delicious weeknight meal like this Sally. You deserve the break after such a hectic period. Gorgeous ingredients ~ I can taste it from here!


  3. That really looks and sounds delicious, Sally. I love Thai green curries and am planning on trying yours so a double thank you seems in order. When you say things have been hectic, that’s an understatement, with finding a new house, moving yourselves, your dogs, and THEN a whole lab. Maybe your life will calm a bit as you get into a new routine in your new home and school.


  4. Sally, you’ve impressed me with all that you’ve done through your move. I simply disappeared during mine!! I couldn’t even think to cook anything worth blogging about nor could i write a post!! This looks like comfort, something you both need!!


  5. Great celebrate Wednesday meal! I know what you mean about cooking suffering. The last few weeks have been the same for me. I have been trying to be good about one “fancy” sit down dinner a week – like this dish, something that is simple yet delicious and a bit more fun! I think the kids would like this dish -especially Mr. N.


    • Cooking goes through ups and downs, I think. I am hoping that now I’ll have more opportunity to try recipes that are more time consuming to prepare. The Fall is a nice season for cooking…


    • Thanks, Celia! It’s definitely good to be back cooking – I still haven’t opened a cookbook in about 3 months, which is unreal… and all my cooking magazines are just sitting on a corner, ignored and abandoned. But I’ll get to them ASAP!


  6. Wednesday meal? Sally, I’d make this for a holiday with dinner guests. It really does look that good and I bet it is that delicious. I hope you’re able to relax a bit more now. After 4 months of crazy, a little peace is definitely in order.


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