Your choice. As long as the meat stays juicy, moist and delicious, you can call it whatever you want. I like kebabs myself, and these were a big hit last week, probably our favorite dinner. Lightning-fast to prepare, especially if you do what I did, and assemble the skewers early in the day, saving them in the fridge until dinnertime. Just sprinkle a little lemon juice over the cut apples to prevent them from darkening too much, and cover with plastic wrap.

(from Martha Stewart website)

1/2 cup apricot jam
2 tablespoons cider vinegar
1 tablespoon tomato paste
2 tablespoons olive oil, plus more for grill
salt and pepper
2 small pork tenderloins –  halved lengthwise and cut into 16 cubes
1 medium red onion, cut into 8 wedges
1 Granny Smith apple, peeled and cut into 8 wedges

If using wooden skewers, soak them in water for several hours.  Assemble long skewers alternating pieces of pork, onion, and apple wedges.  Start with t a piece of meat, and end with a piece of apple.  Reserve.  (This step can be made several hours ahead of grilling).

In a small bowl, combine the apricot jam, vinegar, tomato paste,  and 1 Tsp olive oil. Season with salt and pepper.

Heat grill to medium-high, and oil the grates. Sprinkle the kebabs lightly with salt and black pepper.   Place skewers on grill; cover grill, and cook, turning occasionally, until grill marks are visible, about  8 minutes.  Brush the kebabs with some sauce, and cook, turning skewers and basting occasionally with more sauce, until pork is no longer pink in the center and is nicely glazed, 6  to 8 minutes more.

Serve over steamed rice, couscous, or just with a salad.


to print the recipe, click here

My only modification of the recipe was to skip the step of peeling the apples.  I hate peeling apples because I lose about 63% of the fruit in the process.  Anyway, not a good move.  I thought that the peel would help the apple keep its shape and would not interfere with the taste, but it just doesn’t work this way.  Do as Martha does, peel your apples!

These kebabs are absolutely great, we gave them two thumbs way up…   Since grilling takes less than 15 minutes, pick side dishes that cook quickly too.  I went with couscous – cannot beat that – and simply sauteed green beans.

Leftovers were still moist and tender next day, I warmed them briefly in the microwave and squeezed a little lemon juice when they were ready to be enjoyed.  The apricot glaze is a keeper, for pork, chicken, shrimp… endless possibilities.

ONE YEAR AGO:  Saying Goodbye (1 year without our sweet Pits)

TWO YEARS AGO: Got Spinach? Have a salad!

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  1. I don’t think you can go wrong when using a pork tenderloin. The name itself tells you it will be tender! I love the flavor combinations in the marinade. I’m with you on peeling the apples, possibly I may just skewer them separately or as a sauted side dish. Either way, this is definitely going to be a recipe I will make!


  2. This would be fabulous for a fall cook-out. They look so juicy and delicious Sally! I can just taste the bbq’d apple. 🙂 Mmmmm. We’re having a neighborhood block party tomorrow, but unfortunately it doesn’t involve dinner. Otherwise these would have been perfect! I may just plan to make them next week for us though. The kids love anything on a stick – it makes it seem like “samples” that way. 😉


    • Have you seen that cookbook called “On a Stick”? I’ve had it in my wish list at amazon.com forever – seems interesting and fun, but I have way too many cookbooks (hope hubby will read this and be extra proud of my self-control)


  3. These look so good Sally – your kaboobs (sorry, couldn’t resist introducing another variation, so childish :)) are glistening in that first photo!! I agree with the unpeeled apples. Too much work and too many nutrients lost when they are peeled. Apricot jam; mmm…..


    • Apricot jam is such a great ingredient, don’t you think? I wonder if it would work as part of a salad dressing. I see orange marmalade used in dressings, just to give a sweet component, I bet apricot jam could work too


  4. I love kebabs too and I too would have resisted peeling the apples! Thanks for the recipe. It looks very festive! Now what bread did you pick to accompany the brochettes? 😉


    • Shame on me…. we had some store-bought mini ciabattas last week in the house. But today I am making a San Francisco sourdough from Bread Alone. It ‘s in the mixer as I type…. (fingers crossed… 😉


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