The rind of a lemon is exceptionally bitter, w...

Image via Wikipedia

I had this recipe filed in my computer for 13 months.  All I can say is “better late than never.”  Please, make this dressing as soon as you can possibly gather the ingredients and spare half an hour of your time.   My friend Gretchen urged me to try it a long time ago,  but only the constant influx of Meyer lemons in our fridge set my wheels in motion. Consider making a double batch, as you will find many uses for this liquid gold: I drizzled over our salad, and next thing I knew, my grilled halibut was under its shiny coating too.

(from Gretchen’s kitchen)

1 lemon (Meyer, if available)
1 tsp + 3 Tbs olive oil (divided)
1 clove garlic, unpeeled
1 tsp Dijon mustard
2 tsp honey
1/4 tsp salt
freshly ground black pepper to taste

Wash the lemon, cut it in half, remove the seeds with the tip of a knife. Rub the lemon halves and the garlic clove with 1 tsp of olive oil, place in a small baking dish and roast in a 400F oven for 25-30 minutes, until the lemon starts to get brown at the edges. Remove from the oven, and as soon as it’s cold enough to handle, squeeze the juice and the pulp in a small bowl.

Add the mustard, honey, salt, and pepper, and use a whisk to mix it all well. Remove any large bits of white pulp, if present. Add the remaining 3 Tbs. of olive oil, slowly at first, then drizzle it as you continue to whisk, forming an emulsion. Adjust the seasoning.

Serve over salads, steamed veggies, roasted veggies, grilled fish, chicken, or pork. Have fun with it, and…


to print the recipe, click here

Comments: I cannot recommend this recipe strongly enough. It is simply perfect if you are into citric flavors. We usually make a big salad on Friday evenings, using any greens and other goodies left in the fridge. This dressing turned the “everything but the kitchen sink salad” into something special.  Next day, I used what was left in a farro concoction very similar to this one, except that I omitted the raw asparagus and added diced cucumber and fennel instead.  Farro and roasted lemon vinaigrette:  another example of a match made in heaven,  I hope you’ll give it a try.

ONE YEAR AGO: Torta di Zuchini

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1 limão amarelo
1 colher de chá + 3 colheres de sopa de azeite
1 dente de alho com casca
1 colher de chá de mostarda Dijon
2 colheres de chá de mel
1 / 4 colher de chá de sal
pimenta a gosto

Lave o limão, corte ao meio, retire as sementes com a ponta de uma faca. Esfregue as metades do limao e o alho com uma colher de chá de azeite, coloque em uma assadeira e asse em forno quente por 25-30 minutos, até que o limão comece a ficar dourado nas bordas. na borda. Retire do forno e, assim que esfrie o suficiente para segurar, esprema o suco e a polpa em uma tigela pequena.

Adicione a mostarda, mel, sal e pimenta, e misture bem. Remova qualquer pedaço grande de polpa branca, se houver. Adicione as 3 colheres de sopa restantes do azeite, lentamente no início, em seguida, regue enquanto continua a misturar, formando uma emulsão. Ajuste o tempero.

Sirva sobre saladas, legumes no vapor, legumes assados, peixes grelhados, frango ou porco.


  1. ha, ha, ha !
    You did it, so you should rather write “better later than later”. and you know what, I have a similar recipe since….2,3, 4 years – I cannot remember anymore ? Glad that you published this post today. I hope I will remember now to usr this recipe. Kind regards 🙂


  2. @everybody: thanks for your comments!

    glad to know I am not the only one procrastinating on trying a good recipe! I am sure I have some that would beat Magdalena’s 4 years by a long, shameful shot! 😉


  3. Pingback: What’s in a Foodie’s Fridge | wildchow

  4. This vinaigrette is lovely, slightly sweet yet piquant. A very safe recipe to please a deversified guest palate. Definitely make a double batch. Two of us consumed the equivalent of one recipe with a large lunch salad. I wanted to see if the fresh flavor would hold for a couple of days in the fridge. I found pressing the lemon juice/pulp mixture and roasted garlic buds through a strainer/sieve gave the perfect texture to blend with the oil..less clean up too. I can clearly see how this liquid gold could have many uses.


    • Isn’t that an amazing vinaigrette? I never get tired of it, it is SUPERB on fish filets, so keep that in mind too (and also on roasted broccoli… 😉

      Glad you enjoyed it, thanks for letting me know about your experience with it…


  5. Update: Three days in the frig. Like most beauties, this dressing shines when it if fresh. When allowed to meld it lost the essence of the fruity Meyer lemon. I mixed the remaining to make a light side of blanched asparagus and crisp red pepper strips. Still good! Just a suggestion.. use a young grassy olive oil to bring out the best of the lemon. Young + fresh = superb.


    • You know, I will try not to take your comment personally… the “young + fresh = superb”, when I JUST turned 52 on Sunday, is a bit hard to take…


      I’ve got some Meyer lemons in the fridge, and guess what I’ll be doing tonight? You inspired me!


      • Oh dear sallybr, please take heart…belated Happy..Happy Birthday!!! Shall we speak of fine wines and softening tannins? I’ve got 15 years on you. Every gray hair is proudly worn with confidence as badge of longevity…and yours is a crowning glory!


  6. Pingback: Roasted Lemon Garlic Asparagus – Cooking Madly

  7. Pingback: When Life Hands You Lemons...Make These! | Knoxville Moms Blog

    • Sorry I should have deleted it from the text – I omit because husband does not eat garlic due to sensitivity to it – if you want just add it to the processor with all other ingredients


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