Fall is almost here, bringing soup to my mind.  But the temperatures are far from dropping, in fact we are cruising along a nice indian summer, with the thermometers showing high 80’s and even mid 90’s.   In tune with the weather, this broccoli soup can be enjoyed hot or cold, is quick to prepare,  and very good for you:  low fat, low carb, but won’t make you go into starvation-response 30 minutes later…  😉

(reprinted with permission from Mark Bittman‘s Quick and Easy Recipes from the New York Times)

2 cups broccoli florets
3 cups chicken stock (I substituted water)
1 garlic clove, peeled and cut in half
1 cup yogurt
salt and freshly ground black pepper
slivered almonds (optional)

Combine the broccoli and stock in a saucepan and simmer until tender (about 10 minutes).  During the final minute of cooking, drop the garlic in the pan.

Puree the contents of the pan in a blender until very smooth, working in batches if needed (and be careful blending hot liquids, don’t fill your blender’s cup too much).  Once the soup is fully pureed, add yogurt and reheat very gently, adjusting seasoning with salt and pepper.

If desired, top the soup with slivered almonds, or croutons.


to print the recipe, click here

Comments:  Mr. Bittman says you can use leftover broccoli cooked by any method as a starting point for this soup.  Remove excessive dressing or sauce, boil some stock, add the garlic and the cooked broccoli together for a couple of minutes, then proceed with the recipe.   Instead of yogurt, you can finish it with  milk or cream, but of course those will increase the fat content. I  made this soup to take to work for lunch,  so I kept it as light as possible, just added some slivered almonds for extra crunch.

ONE YEAR AGO: Marbled Rye

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(Mark Bittman)

2 xícaras de florzinhas de brócolis
3 xícaras de caldo de galinha (usei  água)
1 dente de alho, descascado e cortado ao meio
1 xicara de iogurte
sal e pimenta preta moída
amêndoas em lascas  (opcional)

Combine o brócolis e o caldode galinha (ou agua)  em uma panela e cozinhe até ficar macio (cerca de 10 minutos). Durante o minuto final de cozimento, coloque o alho na panela.

Bata a sopa no liquidificador tomando cuidado para nao encher o copo do liquidificador com o liquido quente.  Coloque a sopa de volta na panela, adicione o iogurte e aqueca suavemente, ajustando o tempero com sal e pimenta.

Se desejar, decore com lascas de amendoas ou croutons.


  1. Oi Sally,
    This looks maravilhoso!!
    It’s fall, and cooler days here on the east coast.
    And, soups are a great way to warm the insides.


  2. Pingback: Almonds Slivered

  3. For some reason when brocoli is put in a soup in England it is always combined with blue cheese, Stilton or something like that, which I am really not too keen on. Your soup sounds much lovelier than that and like Celia I am going to have a go. But it will have to be shop bought broccie!


  4. Indeed, many veggies soups resort to a cup or more of heavy cream, and even though I admit it makes them very luscious, I rather keep it much lighter and keep the veggie as the main ingredient.
    Next time I make this soup, I will add some lemon juice at the end… just because… 😉


  5. Pingback: CARROT AND LEEK SOUP | Bewitching Kitchen

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