Avert your eyes, bread baker purists!    The dough for this bread is made in a food processor, and takes about 5 minutes to prepare,  from measuring the ingredients to setting the dough to rise. The recipe comes from Pam Anderson’s “The Perfect Recipe“, and I’ve made it many times in my pre-sourdough starter days. I still make it, when I want homemade bread but don’t feel like slaving over the  preparation. Simple, straightforward, quick, and best of all: works every time!

(from Pam Anderson)

1/2 cup warm water
1 envelope ( 2 + 1/4 tsp) active dry yeast
1 cup cold water
4 cups bread flour
2 tsp salt

Sprinkle yeast over the warm water, let stand while you measure the other ingredients.

Add the flour and salt to the bowl of a food processor and process a few seconds to mix.

Add the cold water to the yeast mixture, and with the motor running, pour it into the processor, allowing it to mix until it starts to form a ball. Adjust with water or flour if it feels too dry or too sticky. Process for 30 seconds.

The dough should look like this at the end of processing…

Remove it from the processor, knead it a few times by hand, and place it in a warm spot to rise until doubled in size (1 to 3 hours, depending on the type of yeast and temperature of your kitchen – mine doubled in only 55 minutes).

The dough makes enough for 2 loaves or 12 rolls. Shape them whichever way you like, I made half the recipe as rolls, and formed a loaf with the rest of the dough. Set them to rise for 45 minutes to 1 hour, until almost doubled in size.

Make a deep cross-cut on top of the rolls using scissors;  slash the loaves with a blade or very sharp knife.  Bake the breads  in a 450F oven: rolls for 20 minutes, loaves for 40 minutes.   I bake my breads covered by a roasting pan for 3/4 of the baking time, then remove the cover  to get a nice dark golden crust.


to print the recipe, click here

I am submitting this post to Susan’s Yeastspotting…  Make sure you drop by to enjoy the weekly collection of breads she offers every Friday.

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(receita de Pam Anderson)

1 / 2 xícara de água quente
1 envelope (2 + 1 / 4 colher de chá) de fermento seco ativo
1 xícara de água fria
4 xícaras de farinha de pão
2 colheres de chá de sal

Polvilhe o fermento sobre a água morna, deixe repousar enquanto prepara os outros ingredientes.

Adicione a farinha e o sal em um processador de alimentos e ligue por alguns segundos para misturar.

Adicione a água fria sobre a agua com o fermento, e adicione no processador, com o motor ligado, ate’ que a mistura comece a formar uma bola. Ajuste a consistencia com água ou farinha se estiver muito seco ou muito pegajoso. Processe por 30 segundos.

Remover a massa do processador, sovar delicadamente por um minuto, e coloque para crescer em uma tigela, ate’ que dobre de tamanho (1-3 horas, dependendo do tipo de levedura e temperatura de sua cozinha).
A massa e’ suficiente para 2 pães ou 12 pãezinhos. Forme os paes e deixe crescer durante 45 minutos a 1 hora, até que quase dobrem em tamanho.

Faça um profundo corte em forma de cruz nos paezinhos, ou cortes paralelos em um pao tipo bisnaga. Asse em um forno bem quente: paezinhos por 20 minutos, bisnagas por 40 minutos.

16 thoughts on “FRENCH-STYLE ROLLS

  1. Hi Sally.
    Your rolls look terrific. Tell me, inside are they fluffy white crumb?

    The reason I ask is I’ve been experimenting (not much) with using the processor to replicate both the bakers’ hook, and to make sourdough into light and airy crumb inside.
    But without using yeast.

    Not really from a preference point of view, but as an alternative to the sourdough texture I usually enjoy, that’s all.

    I’m almost there I think, but not sure if the processor works for all loaves, it did for the cottage loaf and for the french baguette, and a white loaf so far.

    Regards Gill.


  2. Hi, Gill

    the crumb is totally different from a typical sourdough – the rolls had a tighter crumb, almost “smooth” and “tender”. The crust also not as “crusty” as a sourdough.

    my loaf had more of an airy texture – however, it may be because it had to wait a lot longer to get into the oven (my oven is not too big, and because I use a roasting pan inverted on top of the bread, I had to bake them in three batches).

    You are right in that the FP won’t work for every kind of bread, but when it does, it helps a lot to speed up the process.

    thanks for stopping by…. 😉


  3. Beautiful.

    It must be in the stars – simple white breads seem really popular right now. These are certainly among the prettiest!


    • Yes, it works very well, and I always use the steel blade. Most processors comes with a plastic blade supposed to be used for dough, but I think the steel blade works perfectly

      you just need to be careful not to overdo it – amazing how warm the dough gets with just a minute of processing


  4. Pingback: HONEY-GLAZED CHICKEN LEGS | Bewitching Kitchen

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