When we’re seeking something decadent, but don’t want to spend hours in the kitchen, beef stroganoff is a perfect option: it’s quick, simple, casual, yet delicious. I’ve heard people say that the dish is dated or old-fashioned, but a classic never loses its charm. Maybe thirty years ago it was overused and abused at dinner parties. Forget about that. A well prepared beef stroganoff (or stroganov, strogonov) is completely satisfying:  succulent meat and mushrooms, cohabiting in a wonderful creamy sauce and served over noodles.  What’s not to like? Among the many recipes I’ve tried, I recently settled on this one from Ruth Reichl’s Gourmet.

(from Ruth Reichl)

3 + 1/2 Tbs butter
1 Tbs flour
1 cup beef stock (homemade if available)
1 pound filet mignon, cut in 1-inch pieces
salt and pepper
2 Tbs olive oil
1/2 cup shallots, thinly sliced
3/4 pound cremini mushrooms, quartered
3 Tbs sour cream
1 tsp Dijon mustard
2 Tbs fresh dill, minced

Make a roux by melting the butter and whisking in the flour, cooking for 2 minutes, stirring. Slowly add beef stock, stirring constantly. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer for about 3 minutes. Remove from heat and reserve, keeping it warm.

Dry the pieces of beef with a paper towel, season with salt and pepper. Heat 1 Tbs olive oil on a large skillet and brown the meat on both sides, but do not try to cook it completely. Transfer the meat to a plate and reserve. Add remaining tablespoon of oil  to the skillet and cook the shallots, cooking for 3 minutes. Add the mushrooms and cook for 8-10 minutes, until all the moisture evaporates, and they start to brown.

Return the meat with its juices to the pan. stir to combine and transfer to a serving plate. Reheat the reserved sauce over low heat, add the sour cream, mustard, dill, season with salt and pepper. Pour sauce over beef and serve over noodles of your choice.


Comments: Almost every recipe for stroganoff uses beef tenderloin, a cut that benefits from fast cooking, but doesn’t have much flavor. Since the sauce contributes most of the flavor for this dish, tenderloin has a chance to shine.   However, when we lived in France, we frequented a small, inexpensive bistrot where stroganoff - one of their specialties - was made with a stew-beef, almost along the lines of  beef Bourguignon.  It was still delicious, but to me, a bit unusual.    Fast forward a few years, and reading Thomas Keller’s Ad Hoc, I noticed  that his stroganoff uses braised beef short ribs!  Well, that settles it:  I will have to try his method, because it may just bring those memories of Paris, which are always welcome, back to our table!  😉

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3 + 1 / 2 colheres de sopa de manteiga
1 colher de sopa de farinha de trigo
1 xícara de caldo de carne
1 kg de filet mignon em pedacos
sal e pimenta
2 colheres de sopa de azeite
1 / 2 xícara de chalotas fatiadas
200 g  de cogumelos tipo cremini, cortado em pedacos
3 colheres de sopa de creme fraiche ou creme de leite
1 colher de sopa de mostarda Dijon
2 colheres de sopa de endro fresco, picado

Derreta a manteiga e adicione a farinha, cozinhando por 2 minutos, mexendo constantemente.   Adicione o caldo de carne aos poucos, sem parar de mexer para que nao forme grumos.  Deixe ferver, abaixe o fogo e cozinhe por aproximadamente 3 minutos. Retire do fogo e reserve.

Seque bem a carne com um papel toalha, tempere com sal e pimenta.  Aqueca 1 colher de sopa de azeite em uma frigideira grande e doure a carne em ambos os lados, mas não deixe que cozinhe por completo.  Transfira a carne para um prato e reserve. Adicione a colher restante de azeite na mesma frigideira e cozinhe as chalotas por 3 minutos. Adicione os cogumelos e cozinhe por 8-10 minutos, até que toda a umidade evapore, e eles comecem a dourar.

Retorne a carne  para a panela. misture bem e transfira para um prato. Reaqueça o molho reservado em fogo baixo, adicione o creme de leite, a mostarda, o endro e tempere com sal e pimenta. Despeje o molho sobre a carne e sirva com a massa de sua escolha.

16 thoughts on “BEEF STROGANOFF

  1. I made this on Tuesday! Hadn’t made it in awhile and hubs requested it, so dusted off my recipe and had a go. I will try yours as it seems a lot more friendly calorie-wise, mine has a lot more sour cream in it! Very nice photo.


    • OH, yeah – there are definitely recipes that use a vat of cream… I don’t think it’s necessary, a little bit goes a long way, and my waistline says “thank you!” 🙂


    • Pois e’, Angela – no patropi a gente costuma servir com arroz e batata palha, e confesso que adoro, mas aqui a turma nao curte muito misturar batata com arroz…. e eu acostumei a strogonoff com noodles, uma delicia…


  2. Sally, this looks delicious, but quite different from what gets tossed around here as “stroganoff”. The version I’ve seen almost always has tomato paste added. Also, did you cut the meat into 1″ cubes? Most recipes I’ve seen use strips – in fact, they sell precut strips as “stroganoff beef” at supermarkets.. 🙂

    Either way, the sour cream and mushrooms are a constant. I love a good stroganoff, even when it was out of vogue in the health conscious era when everyone was avoiding cream and butter.. 🙂


  3. Celia, I cut the meat in cubes, but have done many times in slivers too. Sometimes they sell here “beef for stir fry”, but it’s never cut from the tenderloin, maybe they cut it very thin to allow a tougher cut to be used in this kind of recipe.

    My sister used to make strogonoff that took tomato paste and mustard, there are indeed plenty of recipes that use it.


  4. This is an excellent recipe, Sally. Funny how some recipes are deemed outdated, but this one has been updated nicely, IMO.
    I used to make a classic strogonoff fairly often, but made a version for everyday with cubed chuck which was braised and seasoned like a strogonoff. It was delicious, too.
    When I was in college something called strogonoff was going around, and was made with ground beef and cream of mushroom soup. It was never something I cared for, but it was VERY popular with students.


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  6. You’ve copied the recipe incorrectly. Ruth’s recipe calls for 1 teaspoon of Dijon Mustard, not a Tablespoon. The recipe came out very mustard tasting and I had to go searching for another recipe and then discovered the error in this recipe versus the great recipe that Ruth published. You might consider correcting the recipe.


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