Photo on 10-27-19 at 10.57 AM #2
Welcome to my Bewitching Kitchen! My name is Sally, I was born and raised in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Through my work, I’ve had the opportunity of living for several years in California and Paris, places I am extremely fond of. Both me and my husband are biochemists working  together on iron transport by bacteria such as E.coli.

For many years I was afraid of baking cakes, and my blog focused mainly on savory items, sometimes a few cookies here and there. But then macarons happened. I fell madly in love with baking them, one thing led to another, and last year (2019) I found myself as a contestant in The Great American Baking Show, filmed in London. I guess it just goes to show you: never say never!

Apart from baking and food blogging, I am an exercise-fanatic. My routine centers around Tony Horton’s P90X, 90X3, Jessica Smith’s many exercise videos, some jogging playing golf with my beloved husband. He is the real golfer, I lose balls and occasionally my temper. But keep going back…   😉

I hope you enjoy my blog, which turns 11 years old this year (2020).  I can hardly believe it’s been so long…




111 thoughts on “ABOUT

    • Can someone tell me how many eggs for this recipe.

      6 xícaras (chá) de polvilho doce (660g)
      1/2 xícara (chá) de óleo (120ml)
      1 xícara (chá) de leite (240ml)
      1 xícara (chá) de Água (240ml)
      2 colheres (chá) de sal (10g)
      4 ovos
      1 xícara (chá) de queijo parmesão ralado fino (100g)
      3 e 1/2 xícaras (chá) de queijo minas padrão ralado grosso (350g)


  1. “Everything in moderation, including moderation”… What a teasing idea. Great start, Sally! Freedom to dare and talent to moderate.


  2. Salete!!!! Que demais!!!
    Como eu tb adoro incursões culinárias, vou curtir muito as a subscriber!
    E o nome é maravilhoso.
    Quem gosta de bancada gosta mesmo, não!!??
    Parabéns!! MulherMaravilha!!


    • eu nunca consegui me dar bem numa bancada… nem meus dnas, que viviam caindo pelo ralo… mas adoro cozinhar e comer, portanto, entrei tb!


  3. This blog is simply wonderful, Sally! So proud of you! The photos are gorgeous, and the text is absolutely clear and easy to follow. Wishing you great success, my dear friend! I’ve bookmarked you right next to the New York Times!!!


  4. I LOVE Brasil. I have been to visit twice and am planning my third trip now. I am so excited to discover your blog! Muita obrigada!


    • Great, Stephanie! I hope your third trip will be even better than the first two… 🙂

      I intend to post Brazilian recipes on a regular basis, hope you will stick around!


    • Oh, thanks for the tip…. I did not care for that number right on the front page, but had no idea it could be removed…. I am still a bit naive with these net-things 🙂

      Thanks for visiting Bewitching Kitchen!


  5. hey you are a scientist! 🙂

    I love a lab girl you know (but she does not love me but I’ve not given up). She is in the US presently.

    From my poem on her:

    You may have seen many women around
    Tall, short, fair, dark, thin or sound!
    But the woman who is the most beautiful
    Is spending in a lab joule after joule.


  6. Puxa vida! Nao consigo me lembrar quem me deu o endereco do seu site… alguem de Oklahoma, amiga em comum….
    Anyways, Sally, que delicia seu site e suas receitas sao otimas! Tb sou brasileira, nascida em Macapa, criada em Sta Catarina e vivi muitos anos em Sampa, sou da area ambiental, quimica organica, pela Oswaldo Cruz, em SP, assim como vc adoro cozinhar e eu uso a mistura de todas as experiencias e vivencias da minha vida pra dar o toque especial, aquele tchan q vc sabe!
    Ainda nao tive tempo pra criar um blog, mas adoro desde manicoba, pato no tucupi ate os mais refinados pratos da cozinha internacional, sempre ponho uma pitadinha daqui e dali e acaba ficando tudo delicioso, enfim, adorei seu blog, vou experimentar algumas das suas receitas e te falo depois… sucesso!Au Revoir!


    • Katia, que delicia de mensagem! Espero que voce visite sempre a minha “cozinha virtual” – e se voce decidir comecar um blog, me mande o link, please!

      Eu fiquei enrolando por mais de um ano, pensando se devia iniciar um blog ou nao, mas confesso que ADORO , depois de um inicio turbulento para aprender a lidar com WordPress, agora e’ uma delicia…


  7. Puxa vida! Nao consigo me lembrar quem me deu o endereco do seu site… alguem de Oklahoma, amiga em comum…. Anyways, Sally, que delicia seu site e suas receitas sao otimas! Tb sou brasileira, nascida em Macapa, criada em Sta Catarina e vivi muitos anos em Sampa, sou da area ambiental, quimica organica, pela Oswaldo Cruz, em SP, assim como vc adoro cozinhar e eu uso a mistura de todas as experiencias e vivencias da minha vida pra dar o toque especial, aquele tchan q vc sabe!Ainda nao tive tempo pra criar um blog, mas adoro desde manicoba, pato no tucupi ate os mais refinados pratos da cozinha internacional, sempre ponho uma pitadinha daqui e dali e acaba ficando tudo delicioso, enfim, adorei seu blog, vou experimentar algumas das suas receitas e te falo depois… sucesso!Au Revoir!


  8. Quelle jolie vie! D’habitez en France et aussi a Californie! Je sais alors pourquoi vou aimez le fromage! C’est naturelle, n’est-ce pas?


  9. Sally, this is not so much a comment, but a question. Have you tried baking bread using Einkorn or emmer? I am wondering if adjustments are necessary and what effect these grains would have on texture. This question comes from efforts to eat as my grandparents’ or even great grandparents’ generation ate and get away from hybridized foods.


    • Hi, Margie!
      I don’t have experience with those, the only flour I’ve used that would be similar, is spelt flour, which I incorporate in many sourdough batches, and also in pizza. After getting your comment, I went to the Fresh Loaf Forum to search for a specific recipe, but found only some discussions about where to get einkorn, and how it is different from farro.
      Then I searched Dan Lepard’s forum, and came up with one recipe that uses it, so here is a link with the whole discussion.


      I will keep eikorn in mind, see if I can find it in town…


  10. Just found your blog from a link while perusing other blogs and love it. I am still trying to decide what my focus will be before starting my own blog. Like you, I am a woman of science who adores baking, cooking, and all things domestic. I am experimenting with sourdough starters lately. I look forward to catching up on your previous posts!



    • Hi, Diane! Nice to have you here!
      You know, I debated with myself for a long time before deciding to start the blog, and my only regret is not having started sooner, so I’d say go for it…
      It’s been fun, and I “met” lots of wonderful people through blogging – at least on a virtual level

      Maybe you can just have the blog as a new year project or sorts.. New Year, New life 🙂

      good luck, and please send me your website address once you start it, ok?


  11. Oi Sally!

    Muito encontrar você por aqui… Eu sou brasileira vivenco há 6 anos na Califórnia, atualmente próximo a LA.

    Eu estava procurando a receita da sopa de orzo e encontrei você por aqui.

    Muito bom!
    Um abraço e sucesso sempre!
    Feliz 2012!
    Magda Thiele


  12. Pingback: No Knead Bread si cateva confesiuni | Apa. Faina. Sare.

  13. Sally, I sure hope the truck arrives and the rest of the move goes smoothly!
    Kansas State must be on a hiring binge. My friend Verna Fitzimmons was just named the CEO and Dean of K-State Salina! Looks like Kansas is taking a lot of brilliant folks onto its truf!


    • Thanks so much! Yes, they are trying to get the university to a higher stance, and have been hiring new Deans and Chairmen all over the place. It feels great to be a part of it, we are looking forward to it… but, as giving birth, it comes with some pain, you know… 😉


  14. Hello Sally,
    Thanks for your comment. I loved reading about you. I am a molecular biologist who worked in stem cell research but currently I have moved to clinical operations. I am so thrilled to connect with another foodie and also that we are from science background 🙂 That’s exciting for me. I browsed through few of your recipes and I am loving everything about it. I have never cooked Brazilian food at home. Now I have your blog to refer to and may be someday I will get comfortable to cook some authentic Brazilian foods for my family.


    • Super cool! loved to know you are also a molecular biologist! Amazing, what a nice coincidence! So glad I contacted you! Will be a constant reader of your blog for sure!


  15. Hi Sally,

    Thanks for leaving me a comment. Yes, our blogs titles are incredibly similar. I have seen you on Google a time or two 😛 I didn’t realize we started the same month! There must have been something in the air of June 2009.

    Take Care,


  16. My daughter keeps asking to go to Brazil because she made a friend from there at French camp (in Toronto). I will have to explore your blog a little more because after a quick look I have already found several recipes I would like to make. Glad to have found you!


    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting! Hope you and your daughter get to go to Brazil, it is a beautiful place and so full of contrasts! If you want some specific Brazilian recipe that is not on my blog, drop me a line and I’ll send it your way…


    • Welcome!!!!! How wonderful, I’ve always wanted to visit Argentina, having grown up in Brazil, but… never was able to! Maybe one day… Thanks for stopping by, and for your comment!


  17. Hey Sally,

    How can I contact you for linking on your page and how much do you normally charge for fans and followers? 😉
    Waiting to hear more from you!


  18. Hi Sally! Bonjour de Toulouse, France, “old Europe”! 🙂 glad to have come across your awesome blog… I’ll try to surf over asap, meanwhile my very best and have a wonderful day! Une semaine formidable, aussi! 🙂 Cheers, Mélanie


  19. Have you ever seen organic manioc flour? I have been trying to find it on the web but no luck. Thanks for the great farofa recipe. My husband lived in Brazil for a time and has really wanted some farofa again! Thanks, Cherlyn


    • Hello, CHerlyn… I don’t remember ever seeing organic manioc flour here in the US. I bet they have it in Brazil these days… Glad you liked the farofa, my husband is also very fond of that recipe1


  20. sally,
    I received 3 emails from you but now Yahoo will not let me resend back to you. I am getting an error from Yahoo saying your email address is corrupted.

    I did receive an email from Paypal – thank you so much for your order.

    I will have your board done before the end of the week. If you can email me or better post on my home page your complete ship to name, address. I will not approve and will not let your address post on my site. I will then let you know when it ships along with the FedEx tracking number.

    I tried to find a contact me on your site, didn’t see anything. So thought it was best to post. You can deleted this comment so it doesn’t display on your site. Sorry for the email hassle, maybe email is working from just you to me but I am not sure.

    thank you so much,


  21. Sally — I decided I needed to start making bread. I thought I’d better check with a trusted expert so I found your blog. That was over an hour ago — I’ve been reading non-stop. This is just wonderful. I may never open another cooking mag again –I’ll just stop here to look for interesting things for my weekly menu. Of course, I loved seeing Oscar and Chief. Who the heck is Buck??!??! I’m making pasta (hand cut wide noodles) with brown butter sage sauce for dinner and I have to tear myself away from this blog and get in there and start. I’ll be back! debpasc


    • Another comment that went through my files unnoticed! So sorry!

      Buck is our third dog, a Jack Russell rescue dog… 🙂 So we have three dogs now.

      I hope you find lots of recipes that please you here, and I promise not to take forever to reply it was just bad luck that your comment was in the middle of a bunch of spam and got discarded. From time to time I go through these files and retrieve GOLD, like your comment! 😉


  22. Sally,
    Estava procurando receitas brasileiras, e dei de cara com o seu blog. Imagine a minha surpresa quando descobri que voce mora em Manhattan, Kansas! Eu tambem moro em Manhattan, e trabalho na Kansas State University. Obrigada pelas maravilhosas receitas, vou continuar seguindo e tentando novas receitas.

    Tudo de bom pra voce, e quem sabe a gente nao se encontra um dia!

    Adryanna Siqueira Drake


  23. Pingback: Guest Post: Linzer Cookies by Sally of Bewitching Kitchen | Butter Basil and Breadcrumbs

  24. My name is Ashleigh from Buzzstarter, a San Francisco-based publisher network. We are reaching out to publishers that we can create long term relationships with. We will send you the piece of content and pay you a flat rate to post. The content will be relevant to your blog, and you don’t have to post it if you don’t feel it fits. We will then use social media to drive thousands of visitors to your publication. Would you be interested? Please LMK, thanks! My email: ash at buzzstarter dot com


  25. Hi Sally! I am writing an article on pork tenderloins and would love permission to use your photograph, which will link back to your recipe at your site. Please let me know your email, so I can send you the permission email….thanks so much!!


  26. Love this Blog – only discovered this morning. I’m sure you don’t need Blogging Award nominations but I’ve nominated you for the Liebster Award – might generate us both a few extra followers. HAve a look here for the details:
    Also an exercise fanatic which I see as a way to bake, cook (and eat!) my way through the year! Have a lovely Wednesday from a follower in Ireland!


  27. Thank you for the follow, Sally. Very glad to have found your blog! You have so many beautiful bread recipes on here. (I see you’re a fan of Dan Lepard, as am I.) Also very curious to the Parmesan Cake.


  28. I am so thrilled to have found your website! I came across is while looking for a recipe for Feijoada as I began my quest to cook more Brazilian food. I have (rather randomly) become completely enthralled with the culture…I’ve even begun listening to music from Brazil (even though I do not speak a lick of Portuguese…something I plan to begin rectifying soon.) I cannot wait to make my way through your recipes – thank you !!


    • Well, a comment like yours makes me THRILLED to go on blogging! Thank you so much and I hope you have fun with my recipes….

      MUITO OBRIGADA PELA VISITA! (thanks for your visit!)


  29. Pingback: Nutella Drop Cookies | A Taste of Madness

  30. Hello from Greece 🙂 I came across your blog through Jessica Smith’s motivation email. Congratulations on your work and thank you for the kind offer of so many interesting recipes. Best wishes, Liana


    • so nice to have you! I’ve been in Greece only once, in 1994, fell in love with your country from the first day, have been dreaming about going back…. wonderful!!!!


  31. Hi Sally, somehow I landed on your page through other blogs and reading about you I could not restrain myself in dropping a few words…like you I graduated from USP (Pharmacy and Biochemistry), move to US and joined University of Southern California, initially at School of Pharmacy and recently transferred to Medicine. I am fascinated by the variety of your recipes…I will sure be visiting your blog.


  32. Dear S. Newton,
    I saw your review of Keto in 28: The Ultimate Low-Carb, High-Fat Weight-Loss Solution. I completely agree that Author did a good job with those information. I see that you’re a fan of Ketogenic Diet. I’ve got a new eBook coming out that I think love called Keto Diet:The Ultimate Guide For Aggressive Fat Loss, Balance And Overall Health.
    In this book, you will learn in detail what the ketogenic diet is, why it is very aggressive at fat loss, how to adopt the diet as well as some tasty recipes that you can try out.
    The ketogenic diet is now the new way to lose weight fast, simple and without having to keep tabs of your calorie intake. If you want to learn more about this, then this book will inform you everything you need to know about the ketogenic diet.

    If you’d be interested, I’d love to send you a free copy of the book in return for an honest review.
    Gabriel Jackson


    by sallybr
    If you don’t know what the Home Bakers Collective is all about, please read my post about it with a click here

    Hyperlink missing


  34. Are you the same Sally that was active on the Fine Cooking forum years ago? I think she (you?)lived in Oklahoma? Maybe there’s a lot of female Brazilian scientists in the US who are passionate foodies. Cheers.


    • we are pretty much set on our protocol to keep us safe – we focus on all risks, small and big. I think we are learning more and more about the virus, but we will go on cleaning our groceries. It does no harm.


      • Hello Sally…I just discovered your blog, thank goodness. I love what I’m seeing. Beautifully detailed and the photos are perfectly done. I can’t wait to read all of your posts…from the beginning. Regarding this comment..I did the same thing with my groceries and as of today, Oct. 2023, I have changed the way I do and handle all of my food, (and my awareness) regardless of what others choose to do.


  35. You know what I love about your blog, in addition to some of your great recipes? It says a lot without a lot of words. Personally, I hate having to read endless drivel to get to a recipe, as well as too many photos of each cracked egg, addition of cinnamon, whisking till incorporated, etc. Your posts are concise and to the point, but always contain some tidbit about you and your love for food. It’s a job well done and no wonder you’ve won awards for it.

    Liked by 1 person

  36. Hi… My name is Amber and I’m looking for any no iodine recipes… My brother needs to go on a no iodine diet for a little bit and I can’t find anything that is no iodine… Can you help?


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