Time to invite you for a virtual walk through the Bewitching Kitchen. Time passes fast, things change, but it’s important to give credit to  Celia who started this event years ago. It is now hosted by Sherry from Sherry’s Pickings, so make sure to stop by both sites to say hello when you have a chance. My last participation was three months ago (!!!) so there’s a lot to talk about. Are you ready?

First, I like to start talking about gifts…

The amazing colleagues from our department sent me a care package when I arrived back from Brazil after the death of my Mom. The reason is sad, but their gesture so sweet… Thank you!

From our post-doc Somnath, a gorgeous Chinese bowl that he got for me while in a scientific meeting in Los Angeles. Intense blue, I always use it to serve rice. It is what we could call a perfect match.  Thank you, Somnath!

From Phil, one more coffee cup for our collection, one more ebay find from the British artist Mary Rose Young. It is all happy next to its sister with the rose decoration on the handle. The coffee art produced by my beloved is a Chinese ideogram that means I love you forever (well, don’t show this to any Chinese person, let it be our secret).

My gift to Phil… his immersion blender was in bad shape, the blade would come out while spinning, and we had to stop, unplug it and push it back. Very dangerous, I could easily see myself losing the tip of my finger in some absent-minded move.  This one works very well, and it came with a small food processor as a bonus. We are both very happy with his gift (wink, wink).

In our kitchen…

Found this honey at Marshalls. It comes from avocado flowers.  I am not a honey connoisseur, but apparently monofloral honey is highly praised. This one is quite dark and intensely flavored. Plus the label is so stylish, I could not resist. I sometimes shop with my eyes first… 😉

In our kitchen…

I have not tried these yet, but they are supposed to give beautifully flat cakes, without that irritating “dome effect.” I confess I’ve had them for a while, and only remember they exist after the cake is out of the oven. Yeap, I do research for a living. It surprises me too.

In our kitchen

For a cake-o-phobe,  I do own a lot of cake-related gadgets.  This is a cake turner, and it was very useful to add icing to my celebratory 8th blog-anniversary concoction.

In our kitchen…

What did I just say about cake-gadgets? Could not resist these… one never knows when I’ll get into a cupcake adventure, and it’s very important to have the right tools for a job I’ve never done.

In our kitchen…

Macaron obsession is still going strong. I got a larger tip for piping the shells, works great. And a few goodies for future important experiments. Stay tuned for crazy macs coming up in the near future. Bogey was quite taken by them, I hope you will fancy them too…

In our kitchen…

Another outcome of  a Marshalls’ treasure hunt. This is a very large bowl, so colorful, I tried to move away from it at the store, but it kept pulling me back, twisting my arm, I was pretty much forced to bring it home. Abused by a bowl, that’s a first.

In our kitchen…

Macadamia oil. I heard about its qualities, including very high smoking point, and decided to give it a try. Really enjoy its mild flavor for sauteing stuff. It is more expensive than olive oil, so this will not be replacing it in our cooking. I also used it in salad dressing a couple of times. I’d say it is as mild as grapeseed oil, a favorite of mine.

In our kitchen…

This is a special Japanese rice flour. Very very fine, different from the product you might use to coat your banneton so that bread dough won’t stick to it. I read about it in the book Flours, part of my giveaway last month. Love that book, everything I’ve made from it has been a success.

In our kitchen…

Crispy brown rice cereal. I used this product in a variation of Chicken Parmigiana from the book The Dude Diet. So good, that I decided to buy a second box as a back up. You process the cereal together with some Parmigiano cheese, salt, and herbs, use that to coat chicken breast filets.

In our kitchen…

A very nice tea, recommended by our graduate student, Aritri. She loved it and I could not help but order a box, because she is a person of very fine taste. It is truly delicious! The brand has several kinds, unfortunately no free shipping available through amazon prime. I guess the best approach is to keep your eyes open, maybe your grocery stores carries it? I cross my fingers that our beloved Marshalls will, at some point.

In our kitchen…

Phil (a Michigander) loves tart cherries, and these preserves are excellent. I cannot tell, as I never eat jams or preserves of any kind, but I can testify he always has a huge smile when he does.

In our kitchen…

Strawberries coated in chocolate, courtesy of my beloved, who found the perfect use for leftover ganache from my special layered cake of the recent past.

Near our kitchen…

I am thrilled to share this with you. Soggy Doggy rug. It is a life-changing item that I cannot recommend highly enough. This rug is not cheap, let’s get this out-of-the-way. But, it was THE best investment ever, it sits in the patio, right by the door to the living room and kitchen area. If you let your dog sit and walk around it for a minute or so, the fabric adsorbs dirt and water in a way that is hard to believe!  Keeping our wooden floors clean has been so much easier since we got it several months ago. We haven’t washed it yet, just shake it outside every once in a while, sometimes use very gingerly the vacuum cleaner, with the spinning brushes off. This thing is money. Every day I pass by it and blow it a kiss. Honest. If you have pets, you need this. They come in several sizes, depending on the kind of pet you have, a small one might be enough. We really had to go for the kill here. Obviously. To order, click here.

And since the subject of pets came up,
it’s time to let them say hello…

More than a simple hello, they insist on having their grievances in the open, so that  Mom’s readers know the true nature of who they are dealing with. You know, behind those blogging doors.

“I’ve been betrayed. I had just developed a nice personal scent over a week of hard work. You gave me a bath, and took it all away. I now smell like a tangerine. I shall never ever interact with you again. Ever.”

“I’ve been betrayed. Mom tricked me into going outside dangling a cookie in front of my perfectly shaped nose. Dad was there, waiting for me. With a hose. Cold water under 95 F weather. Very unfair. I shall never ever move from this couch. Ever.”

Betrayal. Humiliation. Shame.

“Oh, you whining babies. You don’t know what real betrayal is. Mom took me to a torture place, dropped me there all by myself and not only I got a bath, but by the time they were done with me, my fur was gone. Gone. I am still in shock.”

“I shall hide from your view for eternity.”


Thankfully, a dog grievance never lasts very long.

Certain behaviors, though… they will likely never end…

Like a little sniffing around…

A little begging…

A little snoring after breakfast…

We still think they enjoy being squeaky clean, no matter how hard they tried to stain our reputation as doggie parents…

“Mirror, mirror tell me, who is the cutest dog in the world?”


“Mirror, mirror, tell me, who is the most handsome dog in the world?”


“Mirror, mirror, tell me, who is the bossiest dog in the world?”

In case you haven’t noticed, the couch rules have relaxed quite a bit since Bogey Quit That joined our pack…

Couch Rules? Which rules? Certainly they do not apply to this couch!


Agreed. The couch is my favorite place for deep thoughts… like the meaning of life, and how did that toad escape my mouth?

I feel the same way. The couch is where I wonder why every day is not a weekend day…  how pleasure can be such a fleeting emotion…

I am also having very profound thoughts, and you better believe me. In fact, I just figured out that the meaning of life is helping Mom get all comfy. I think she enjoys the new-non-rules too.

Bogey Quit That compensates for all the revolution he started by keeping our home safe.
A true guard dog like no other!

That’s all for now, folks!

I hope you enjoyed this little tour through our kitchen…
Stop by Sherry’s site to see what is going on in kitchens all over the world!


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ONE YEAR AGO: Secret Recipe Club: Falafel and a Bonus Recipe

TWO YEARS AGO: Chocolate Toffee Banana Bread

THREE YEARS AGO: In My Kitchen, June 2014

FOUR YEARS AGO:  Strawberry Frozen Yogurt

FIVE YEARS AGO: Baked Coconut and “The Brazilian Kitchen”

SIX YEARS AGO: Honey-Glazed Chicken Legs

SEVEN YEARS AGO: French-Style Rolls

EIGHT YEARS AGO: Chicken Breasts, Coffee, and Serendipity























41 thoughts on “IN MY KITCHEN – JULY 2017

  1. OMG! There’s so much to love in this post! From the stunning rose at the top, to the love message in your coffee ❤️, to the bowl that twisted your arm (!!!!!), to the amazing dog rug, and of course, to your three gorgeous boys 😍😍😍 So much fabulousness!!!
    The honey sound interesting, does it taste any different?

    Liked by 1 person

    • so glad you enjoyed this post! It’s my favorite post to write… of course, the dogs help out with plenty of “material”

      the honey tastes more “intense” – hard to explain, but the color is so dark that maybe that influences it? the perception of the taste is “contaminated” by the color? makes sense?

      Liked by 1 person

  2. So many goodies in your kitchen. The roses at the top, the blue dragon bowl and those striped coffee cups are my favourites. That reminds me. It’s time to say goodbye to my chipped maple leaf coffee cup. Time to bring another sacrif…. err contender out into play.

    Love the doggy comments as usual. Never a boring day at YOUR house. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is such a lovely story, Sally, from beginning to end……..informative, funny, personal…..Thank you and have a fun Fourth of July!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Well, you know how much I love those dogs! I am sorry they feel so betrayed – their expressions are priceless. Nelson doesn’t seem to mind going to be groomed – I think he enjoys being told how smart he looks! Winter here now though, so he is allowed to keep his fur. That dog mat looks like a great idea.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Will look into the dog rug — we have one right inside the dog door but it’s too short — Blitz only takes a step or two before she is on the tile — very, very, light tile. She is also mortified about baths but when the water and soap part is over she is so into the spa part — toweling and brushing. Then there is a big celebration of running jumping and dancing around. The immersion blender — who can live without one? All those recipes that have you pouring hot liquid or whatever in batches into the blender to puree — what a mess. Totally avoided with a stick blender — whirl it up right in the pot. But why we really have one is to froth the hot chocolate in the pan before we ladle it into our mugs during the winter.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh, yeah… Buck also gets the “zoomies” after the bath – I must make a video, it is absolutely hilarious, but hard to catch on camera, he zips through the house at 100mph… super cute!


  6. OMG, the soggy doggy mat! Where has it been all my life? Definitely sniffing that one out 😉 It’s impossible to read one of your Kitchen posts and not have a great day Sally – there is so much love and humour here. Your personal tidbits are the best. Love the ongoing shenanigans of the magnificent trio – they are too cute!! I’ve got Erewhon on my shopping list (curious) and looking forward to your next macaron reveal (earl grey & lemongrass are my current faves – I don’t make them but I’m always happy to buy them, hah!) – Egyptian gold dust… hmmmm….

    Liked by 1 person

    • well, if that’s not a comment to bring me a permanent smile, I don’t know what would be!

      thank you! So glad you like this type of post, I have a ton of fun writing them, and keep collecting “material over the weeks to get ready for the next.. already got 3 or 4 doggie shots waiting… 😉


    • Mais oui! We are still puzzled – never has that dog been as well behaved as during your visit, which is totally absolutely completely mesmerizing to us.

      you must have some power over dalmatians – someone got to study you! 😉


  7. Hello sweetness and happy July to you. Please note that Sherry from Sherry’s Pickings is now hosting IMK, because I’ve been travelling extensively. (You may like to edit and then add your link to her page). : ) . Lots of lovely goodies in your kitchen, including the pups, and those beautiful roses!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. oh your dogs are the cutest. i love those photos. I also love all the ceramics. that Chinese bowl is just lovely as is the mug and the large salad? bowl. As macadamias are native to Australia, I think the oil is not that expensive here. i love the sound of the red tart cherry preserve. i am not a big jam eater either but i do like a tart cherry:) we don’ t eat honey in our household but i do have it for guests. i always try to buy local honey which is not heat treated. those stick blenders are great. i have one which came with lots of extras too. very useful.. thanks for joining in IMK this month! cheers sherry

    Liked by 1 person

  9. that’s weird. my second comment shows up. Was just saying i love your ceramics and the photos of your dogs. I have a stick blender with attachments too – so very useful. love the sound of the cherry jam..cheers.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. What a gorgeous rice bowl, I love the shade of blue. I don’t think I could have resisted the large bowl either, some things just scream your name in stores, it’s torture! The doggie rug sounds interesting. We’ll finally be getting a dog again once school starts, the boys can’t wait.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. How did I miss this post? It’s so wonderful! You are definitely channeling your pups!

    Random thoughts: 1. You were soooo generous to gift Phil with an immersion blender. I’m sure he’ll share it with you… wink wink.
    2. I have that cake turner… and then Cook’s Illustrated just tempted me with an industrial one. God help me I just bought it! 3. How do you remember which cake tip does what once you remove it from the package? I have so many cake tips and have no idea what they do! 4. I know some of that rice flour is in my house… somewhere…. geez! I’m pretty sure I bought it to make rice noodles.

    Liked by 1 person

    • oh, I am glad you had a chance to come back for this post! industrial cake turner, you said? Oh, my… are you going to tempt me with that one? Showing it off on your blog?

      as to the decorating tips – they came with a sheet that shows exactly what each one does, BUT I am not sure where I put the sheet. I am sure it is is a safe spot. Once I get home, I’ll double check that.

      rice noodles… oh Karen… you give me too many tempting thoughts!



      • The rice noodles were a fiasco, and I ended up buying fresh noodles from the Chinese market. That’s probably why I don’t know where I hid the flour. Too many bad memories. =)


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