Normally I would refrain from blogging about such a simple recipe. Hard to even call it a recipe, actually. Most people know too well how to roast ANY veggie. Cut it, coat pieces with olive oil, season lightly and into the oven it goes. But, I feel that this version is worth talking about as it exceeded my expectations.  All you have to do is use coconut oil as the fat, and add some Southwest spice mix from Penzey’s or make your own version mixing the usual suspects listed in the ingredients. For my taste, this was 2 logs above the level of deliciousness of your regular roasted squash, demanding the exact same amount of work and time. That’s blog-worthy in my book!



OVERVIEW OF THE  RECIPE:  cut a butternut squash in 1/2 inch to 1 inch chunks. Add to a large bowl.  Melt 1 to 2 Tablespoons of coconut oil and drizzle all over. Sprinkle a nice amount of Southwest spice, a little extra salt, some freshly ground black pepper.  Quickly toss it all together, the coconut oil will solidify and turn white again, do not worry about it.  Place it as a single layer on a baking dish, and roast at 400 to 425 F until nicely brown, it should take a maximum of 30 minutes, depending on the size of the pieces of squash, and your chosen temperature. Adjusting seasoning with salt right after roasting. If you had issues to distribute the coconut oil evenly, move the pieces around a few minutes into the roasting.



Since this was actually a non-recipe, I will include a bonus goodie by sharing the recipe for the pork tenderloin I served with it. Same approach as the basic 7-6-5 method  blogged about years ago, but with a new type of marinade.

(from the Bewitching Kitchen)

1 pound pork tenderloin
2 tablespoons maple syrup (or honey)
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon Herbes de Provence
1/2 teaspoon roasted garlic powder (or fresh garlic, minced)
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
3/4 teaspoon salt
zest of 1 lemon

Prepare the marinade by combining all the ingredients, whisking well. Place the tenderloin in a bag or shallow dish, pour the marinade all over, and place in the fridge for 2 to 12 hours. Overnight should be ok too.

Remove the meat from the marinade, place the meat on the grill, close the lid and grill for 7 minutes. Turn the pork tenderloin over, close the lid again, and grill for 6 minutes.  Don’t open the lid, just turn off the heat and keep the meat inside for 5 minutes. The internal temperature should be 145 F to 150 F. If not, close the lid and leave the meat for a few more minutes.  Remove the meat to a serving platter and let it rest for 5 minutes before slicing.


to print the recipe, click here

servedDinner is served!
Pork tenderloin, roasted butternut squash & coleslaw.

Come to think of it, this is a meal that could be on the cover of The Modern Cavemen Magazine. 🙂  Paleo or not, I could enjoy it anytime without complaining. Flavorful, light and filling at the same time.  The coconut oil is really spectacular on the butternut squash, but of course, if you prefer a more classic take, stick with olive oil. Coleslaw is a concoction that doesn’t get enough attention. When prepared from fresh ingredients with a home-made dressing it’s a fantastic side dish.  Goes well with all types of main dishes, beef, poultry, seafood.  Refreshing, crunchy, it’s got it all…

ONE YEAR AGO: Chocolate Currant Sourdough Loaf & Roasted Beet Hummus

TWO YEARS AGO: Sesame and Flax Seed Sourdough

THREE YEARS AGO: Spanakopita Meatballs

FOUR YEARS AGO: Saturday Morning Scones

FIVE YEARS AGO: Pain de Mie au Levain


  1. I have been amazed at how much better butternut squash is when cubed and roasted rather than roasted in halves. And easy. I haven’t tried it with southwestern spices yet but I’m going to now.


  2. You’re post title really made me smile and I just had to dig in and read the secret! I love any roasted veggie, but haven’t yet tried using coconut oil – just never thought of it! And normally I just cut my squash in half and roast, but the cubed pieces sound so much better as they seem to get crisp and flavorful all over. Great tip and I’m also definitely trying the pork tenderloin on the grill!


    • I really prefer the cubes because as you, I like the browned edges – unfortunately I never have much luck using pre-cubed squash from the frozen section – they turn mushy. They are great for soups, but I don’t care for roasting. It is almost impossible to find pre-cut butternut squash, fresh, in our grocery stores here, so I am faced with the job of cutting it. Not that much fun…


  3. I once posted a peanut butter and ham sandwich … as the culmination of how to cook/boil a smoked picnic shoulder ham with pickling spices. No biggie. 🙂

    I should really give this roasted squash a try as it’s quite similar to roasted sweet potato chunks which I add to rice or couscous for a great side dish. And I love your tenderloin. Just wish I could get my hands on some Herbes de Provence.


  4. Hmmm – methinks you have just pipped Jamie Oliver [and I mean on our screens!] who just ‘stuck’ a butternut pumpkin into the oven with more ‘important’ bakes and then made a most delightful ‘rotolo’ cheaply and the greatest of ease!! No ‘Southwest’ spice I have seen here but you do make the flavour combo clear!! Love it – shall copy!!


  5. Lovely dinner, Sally. I’m going to try your squash this way — I love simple recipes and never know what to do with the coconut oil I have. Plus, I grew a bumper crop of a heirloom butternut squash last year and we are still eating it.


  6. Love the bonus recipe 😉 and I think roasted squash is always worth blogging about! wonder if I can find that southwest spice mix on Amazon :D.


  7. Oh-my-gawd Sally I’m so hungry right now and that pork tenderloin is so calling my name. If you have some leftovers I would be glad if you could send ’em to me right away, with a drone or by teleport 😉


  8. Thank you! Thank you! I have had a bag of frozen butternut squash sitting in the freezer and have been so uninspired to use it. I know frozen isn’t as good as fresh, but still, I need to use it. I’m definitely going to try this. It will be a perfect side dish to darn near anything we make. I’m no longer uninspired. 😉


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