It is not easy to be born on December 27th, even if it means sharing your birth date with Louis Pasteur… Most people are away celebrating the holidays with family, and getting ready for another big event coming up, the New Year’s Eve. Organizing a birthday party at this time of the year is tricky to say the least. We manage to pull a great one when Phil turned 50, but invitations were sent out months in advance. This year, it is just the two of us, and I must say I don’t mind it at all…

pekHappy Birthday to my favorite human being, best friend, awesome co-worker, partner in long runs, short runs, great golf, lousy golf, I cannot imagine my life without you!




  1. Aww… Happy Birthday, Phil.

    There are few people we come across in our lives who truly love one another and it’s a joy to be in their presence, even online. You two fill that bill 100%. I don’t know you that well but I think I’m right in that you’ve never said words to each other that you can’t take back. Ain’t love grand?


    • What a sweet comment, Maureen… I’m glad we pass (or I should say “I” pass) this impression in the blog, because it’s true. I am crazy for this guy, and like to think the feeling is mutual… (fingers crossed)


  2. Love the tribute Sally. Just the two of you sounds delightful to me… a beautiful love story you have. (My Grand-maman was born on Christmas day… tricky indeed 😀 ) xx Happiest of Birthdays to your wonderful man!


    • Your Grandma was a Christmas baby! Yeap, that is tricky indeed… Now, did you know that yesterday is also a special day because it marks 21 years I left Brazil? Amazing. Time goes by soooo fast. It can be scary if you stop and think about it… but I am too busy enjoying life to really worry about how much time we have left (this is not 100% true, I am a recovering worry-wart)


    • He’s got quite a few, Celia! Every time we go to Berkeley he makes sure to stop by a particular vendor at a street market on Telegraph Street, and pick a new one. He looks great on them. Me? Not so much. I have one but somehow it doesn’t feel “right” on me. go figure


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