(texto em portugues na proxima pagina)

On my desk I have only one picture, that of my Dad right around the time he retired.  He had the most beautiful handwritting, that kind we don’t see anymore. Perfect, almost like a drawing.  He did not live to the point of getting a computer with internet connections, but I know he would have a blast with all the possibilities. He was curious about many things and loved to learn. I like to think he would enjoy my blog.

He would be 92 today.   There would be a phone call, and the excitement in his voice when talking to me would warm my soul.  No phone calls anymore, only memories and the realization, stronger as each year goes by, that we have a lot in common.   I hope he was aware of it.

One of my favorite photos of him, dancing with my beautiful niece Fernanda…

One of my favorite photos the three of us, taken by Phil years ago…

For an extra trip down memory lane…. Memories of Pasteis

ONE YEAR AGO: A must-make veggie puree

TWO YEARS AGO: Vegetarian Lasagna

THREE YEARS AGO: Brazilian Pao de Queijo: Love at First Bite!

Na escrivaninha do meu escritorio eu tenho apenas uma foto.  Ela mostra meu pai na epoca em que se aposentou.  Ele tinha uma caligrafia incrivel, dessas que nao se ve mais, quase como um desenho.  Ele nao chegou a comprar um computador e conecta-lo a internet, o que de certa forma e’ uma pena, sei que ele teria curtido demais. Ele tinha uma mente curiosa e adorava aprender coisas novas.  Gosto de imaginar que ele seria fa do meu blog.

Hoje ele completaria 92 anos. Certamente nos falariamos pelo telefone e a  empolgacao dele ao ouvir minha voz vindo de tao longe no planeta como sempre me daria uma calorzinho por dentro.   Telefonemas nao acontecem mais, no lugar deles apenas lembrancas e a constatacao, mais forte a cada ano que passa, que temos muito em comum.  Espero que ele tenha sentido o mesmo.

39 thoughts on “ON MY DESK

    • I can say that in the many decades around my Dad, I never saw him once in a bad mood. He could be mad at us daughters for one reason or another, and blow a fuse at us… but never ever was in bad mood. A constant whistler, and master distributor of candy – which he started enjoying when he quit smoking


  1. Lovely post. My father’s 85th birthday would have been Oct 17 and though it’s now 2 years since he passed away, I spent the day with regrets for the many might-have-beens in both our lives.


    • Two years is still very recent… It does take time for the pain to go away, and ina way it never completely does. Even if we all know it is a “natural” event in life to lose a parent.


  2. Aprendi a jogar xadrez com ele e partilhavamos do mesmo gosto pela Formula Um. Acabei recebendo um enorme presente da tia Salete que foi a camisa da Ferrari dele. Guardo com muito carinho essa recordação.


    • Que bom que voce tem essa recordacao especial! Ele tambem me ensinou a jogar xadrez, mas nunca fui muito boa no tabuleiro… 🙂 Me falta paciencia e capacidade de concentracao. Cada um cada um, ne’?


  3. Such a nice remembrance of your dear Father, Sally. I think most of our parents would be surprised to see how much of them has surfaced in each of us as we’ve matured. I find the realization comforting and I hope you do, too.


    • Lots of October daddies here… how cool! My Dad used to say that he wanted to live to be 100, but when he reached 78 he stopped saying that. He changed to “90 will be good enough”. He didn’t quite make it there, but got close 😉


  4. What a nice tribute to your Dad Sally on what would have been his 92nd birthday. It’s amazing to think how much things have changed over the years technology wise and how our dads (and moms) managed just fine without it. In some ways allowing us to see more of who they were. I’m touched by the thought of your dad’s beautiful handwriting and these warm photos you’ve shared with us today. Thinking of you and your Dad – xo.


    • He was an accountant who kept track of all those numbers and budgets without a computer or typewriter. All by hand. His numbers lining up as if written by a machine. No mistakes, no errors, no spots on the page. He would often work after dinner – when all was quiet he would sit at the kitchen table and get all the tables and numbers going… If I close my eyes, I can still bring back the scene, from 30 years back. Amazing, isn’t it?


  5. Beautiful post, Sally, and a fitting tribute to your dear father. I know he was a special man, just as you’re special in more ways that I can count.


    • You remember me talking about him from many years ago, when he was alive.. I guess it was pretty clear then the huge influence he had on me. But the influence never ends. No death, no absence ever changes that. And that’s great… 🙂


      • Sally, I well remember you talking about your dad and I remember how devastated you were when he died. No, his influence and his love for you never end, and that’s good. Those things are a part of you and always will be.


    • Thanks, JOanna… I will grab your hug and send it to my Mom, who is not doing too good today, I know it is a sad day for her. THey were married for 60 years when he passed away.


  6. I can see he was a lovely man and I completely identify myself with what you write, I miss my father (and mother) so much, they were such good friends as well as parents. Isn’t that the best gift they can give you?


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