Cover of "Around My French Table: More Th...

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The classic amuse-bouche from Burgundy, gougeres, is not very complicated, and even better,  it can be prepared in advance and frozen. When it’s time to entertain just heat the oven and bake them straight from the freezer. This recipe from Dorie Greenspan‘s  masterpiece, “Around my French Table,”  brings fond memories of Paris with every  page. Her love for French food and culture  echoes my own feelings.


(adapted from Around my French Table)

1/4 cup water (2 oz)
1/4 cup whole milk (2 oz)
1/2 stick butter (4 T / 2 oz)
1/4 tsp salt
black pepper to taste
1/2 cup all purpose flour (2.2 oz)
2 large eggs
3/4 cup grated Gruyere cheese (3 ounces)

Heat the oven to 425 F.

Place the water, milk, butter, salt and pepper to a boil in a heavy saucepan. When boiling and the butter is fully dissolved, add the flour all at once, stirring with a wooden spoon until the whole mass is homogeneous. Keep over medium heat, stirring often, until you notice a light coating forming on the pan as you move the dough around.

Remove from heat, transfer the dough to a bowl and allow it to cool for 5 minutes. Have a hand held mixer ready, and add the first egg to the dough, beating well. Once the egg is incorporated, add the second egg and continue beating until a very smooth dough forms. Add the grated cheese and mix well. Drop tablespoons on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper (or a silicone mat), and bake for 12 minutes, reducing the oven temperature to 375 F as soon as you place them in. After 12 minutes, switch the tray position in case of uneven browning, and bake for 12 to 15 minutes more, until they are well puffed and golden brown. Serve immediately.

(makes 18 gougeres)


to print the recipe, click here

Comments: The original recipe makes a double batch, with 3 eggs. When I halved the recipe, I tried to use two and a half eggs (admittedly, it is tricky), but the consistency of the dough was too soft.  Instead, 2 large eggs will be perfect, so that’s how I wrote it down.  Since my dough wasn’t dense enough I used a mini-muffin tin and placed 1 tablespoon of dough in each spot. It worked great: the gougeres baked as nice, well formed balls, airy inside and gooey with melted cheese. Pure heaven!

Because I’m cooking in a  small kitchen, I made them early in the morning, froze and baked them right before our Christmas dinner. That’s definitely the way I’ll make them in the future.

Around my French Table goes on my list of all-time favorite cookbooks! Not only do the recipes fit our cooking style, but her presentation, with comments and stories about her time in France, makes this book ultra special. If you’re on the fence about buying it, jump over to the sunny side and GET IT right away!  You won’t  be disappointed.

ONE YEAR AGO: Pumpernickel Bread

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(adaptado de Dorie Greenspan)

1 / 4 de xícara de água
1 / 4 xícara de leite integral
4 colheres de sopa de manteiga
1 / 4 colher de chá de sal
pimenta do reino a gosto
1 / 2 xícara de farinha de trigo
2 ovos grandes
3 / 4 xícara de queijo Gruyère ralado
Aqueca o forno a 220 C.

Coloque a água, leite, manteiga, sal e pimenta para ferver em uma panela pesada. Quando ferver e a manteiga estiver totalmente dissolvida, acrescente a farinha de uma só vez, mexendo com uma colher de pau até que toda a massa fique homogênea. Mantenha em fogo médio, mexendo sempre, até perceber uma leve camada se formando na panela ao mover a massa.

Retire do fogo, transfira a massa para uma tigela e deixe esfriar por 5 minutos. Adicione o primeiro ovo à massa, batendo bem, de preferencia com uma batedeira eletrica. Depois que o primeiro ovo estiver completamente incorporado, adicione o segundo e continue batendo até obter uma massa bem lisa. Adicione o queijo ralado e misture bem. Distribua porcoes usando uma colher de sopa como medida sobre uma assadeira forrada com papel manteiga e asse por 12 minutos, reduzindo a temperatura do forno para 190 C, assim que você colocá-los para assar. Após 12 minutos, verifique se estao assando homogeneamente, se necessario altere a posicao da assadeira, e continue cozinhando por mais 12 a 15 minutos, até que estejam bem inflados e dourados. Sirva imediatamente.

11 thoughts on “GOUGERES

  1. Oh my, this has me drooling over my keyboard :).
    However: cups? xícaras? I have a set of cups on my wishlist, but Santa missed them. I think I’ll just have to acquire them myself – it’s so frustrating to find lovely recipes and to have no way to measure the ingredients!


  2. Beautiful gougeres, Sally…

    Happy Holidays for you, your family! I wanted to say that I appreciate how you address almost every comment you get on yourblog, and today even changed measurements because of a comment.
    that is nice, makes your Bewitching Kitchen very special.

    thank you


  3. I did not know that it is a specialty from the Burgundy. I should be ashamed. I have never made choux pastry at home – although I like it both with salty and sweet stuffing. Thanks for this recipe !


  4. @Nancy: thank you, very kind of you… I do try to answer comments, although maybe some might go without a direct answer, particularly when life gets a tad too busy…

    @Magdalena: my first time too making choux pastry, one day I’ll be brave enough to make profiteroles at home, as they are one of my husband’s favorite desserts.

    @Celia: Happy New Year for you too, not too long to wait where you live! 😉


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