I love the flag counter feature that is found in many blogs these days, so obviously I had to add it to the Bewitching Kitchen.

For the past few months, I’ve had a lot of fun with the “fight for third place” going on between readers’ visits from Brazil and Great Britain.   Brazil won for many weeks straight, but now GB has a slight advantage.

I know, I know… I should go out more!  😉

5 thoughts on “BRAZIL x GREAT BRITAIN

  1. Hi, Celia
    No, it’s not a WP standard, but if you click on my counter (or any other similar counter you see in blogs), it will open on a page that allows you to get the counter for your own blog. See on top, it will say “Get yours”

    Let me know if you have problems with it, I might be able to help…


  2. Do you know if it logs each time you come back to a blog, or is each count for a unique address? I must admit I saw yours and wanted one too. But the other day I saw a clustr map and thought that looked rather nice as well, but I’ll stick with the flag counter for now. It impresses my Dad for some reason. Hope all’s well with those naughty dogs 🙂


    • I think it counts a unique address, but to tell you the truth, I haven’t investigated it carefully enough – just love to see the different countries popping in… fun! I guess I’m like your Dad 😉


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