I arrived home to see a package on my doorstep…

THIS is what I got:


Thomas Keller has written several amazing books, such as Bouchon, The French Laundry, and Under Pressure.   Once in a blue moon we indulge in a three-star restaurant, but I have no inclination to produce gastronomical masterpieces at home.  I admire people who do it, and I followed Carol’s adventures as she cooked her way through The French Laundry, and watch her ongoing work through Alinea.  Amazing stuff!
But when I learned that Thomas Keller was publishing a cookbook with “family-style” recipes from his restaurant Ad Hoc, I pre-ordered it.  Now I’m looking forward to cooking from it.   As with all my new acquisitions, I’m in the phase of carrying the book with me from sofa to bed, bed to kitchen table, back to the sofa,  while reading, savoring, dreaming.   Like a kid in a candy store, I’m still trying to decide which recipe will be THE FIRST.

Life is good… 😉

One thought on “NEW COOKBOOK in the HOUSE

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