If you are like me, and suffer from CRCD (Compulsive-Recipe-Collection-Disorder),  you probably use Google to find recipes in the blogosphere. Did you know that cooking recipes account for 1% of all online searches? That is pretty impressive!  It is not surprising that earlier this year Google came up with their own version of a search engine geared exclusively for recipes.  However, it has serious drawbacks, particularly from a food blogger’s perspective, as it favors “mega-sites” to show up on top of the search. If you are interested in learning more about it,  read the excellent article written by Lydia Walshin, a veteran food blogger, host of The Perfect Pantry and  Soup Chick.

Recently I was introduced to Feastie, a new search engine for recipes (with a nice blog associated with it), and was very pleased with it.  When you enter a keyword in their search box, the output is in a beautiful format, with photos of the recipes and links to the food blogs where they were found.  But, as a bonus, once you click on a particular recipe, you’ll also see all the ingredients required to make it, ready to take to the grocery store (you can even save it straight on your phone).  Another great feature added this past week: if you cook a recipe listed on the site, a simple click on a chef’s hat icon gets it added to your profile, so that you can retrieve it easily in future visits.   You can read more about it here.

Much to my delight, the recipes from Bewitching Kitchen are all indexed in Feastie, so if you’d like to see them in a format that is quite a bit better than my own index page, click here.  I had a small rush of adrenaline when I first saw it!

If you are a food blogger and would like to see your site listed on Feastie, drop them a line at recipes@feastie.com.   And no, I don’t work for them.  By now I guess it’s clear I only endorse what I’m really fond of.  From cookbooks, to gadgets, to cookbook authors (Dan Lepard comes to mind!  ;-))…


  1. Wow, Sally, that is quite a big feather in your cap! I will check out Feastie, since it seems to have all the features I want in a recipe search engine. Thank you for finding something online even I hadn’t seen yet!


  2. Thank you, Sally! We’re so glad you like Feastie!

    We have so much more planned and we love to hear ideas from food bloggers. Please don’t hesitate to email us of you have any suggestions or feedback.


    • Valerie, nice to “see” you here, I am sure everyone who visits Feastie will appreciate the work you put into it – I also love the fact that you guys really listen to feedback, that’s great!


  3. Thanks Sally for the heads-up to this wonderful site. It is a dream come true, especially on nights when I need to find something in a hurry. I love the way it is formatted. Congrats on being included in it!


    • It’s a fun site to search for recipes, and user-friendly too. When I lived in France, I used to subscribe to a magazine that had a shopping list for each published recipe. I thought it was quite useful, and even wrote Fine Cooking to suggest that feature, because I loved it so much. Nice to see it in a website.


  4. Thanks for sharing this site Sally. I’ve managed to waste an entire morning searching recipes. LOL
    I think I better get back on track and finish my candy making and get them wrapped


    • Welcome to the world of cooking! Once you start, there’s no turning back, it’s a great therapy indeed.

      And I find that Feastie helps a lot with ideas and that shopping list is fantastic, I am a list-maniac…


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