My beloved husband gave me an early Christmas gift, the iPad2!   I am in love with it, although we are still in that phase of getting to know each other.   I’ve been quite busy figuring it out, particularly the possibility of composing posts for the blog using this baby.

I am having problems leaving comments in some blogs I visit using the iPad and cannot quite understand why, but once we arrive home tomorrow, I’ll have more time to indulge in “My Preciousss.”   If any of my readers blogs using the iPad2, please drop me a line by email (sallybr2008  at, as I’d love to get some feedback.

The Bewitching Kitchen will soon re-open for blogging business!   😉

33 thoughts on “MY PRECIOUSSS

  1. You will love it Sally, I upgraded from 1 to 2! FC has a holiday app still available I think, as does Food52 (pricey at $10) Best case is at Case Crown ( got the trifold one) and then couldn’t resist the Zaggfolio with keyboard. Also rmember to have the invisible shield put on (can order from Zagg).


    • Will have to investigate all that – today I must get a skin for it, as I am afraid to carry it inside my bag without protection. I am also having trouble with the apps, some show up as “free” when you first click on them, but then you see prices popping up all over each item. Oh, well… I got a few really free ones alerady


      • Tried to email you at the paris address but it bounced back.

        WordPress has a free app for managing a blog like this on the iPad or iPhone.

        I have the Belkin case with bluetooth keyboard for my iPad 2. Excellent product.


        • Well, Paula – it bounced back because clearly I am a bit overwhelmed, and put the wrong address on my own post! I fixed it now…

          will try to get the app for WordPress and take a look at the Belkin case – that’s some expensive toy, I can see… (sigh)


          • Some people don’t mind typing on the iPad screen, but I don’t like it for more than a sentence or two. I got a great deal on the Belkin case/keyboard when it was on sale for $49, but it’s well worth whatever it costs now.


    • no smart phone here. I barely use the phone, only for eventual text messages or brief phone calls between Phil and I. My family is all in Brazil, so we use Skype to communicate on weekends. I have almost zero use for a phone, pay for minutes as I go.

      oh, by the way, my name is Sally…. I am sure you got confused when you started typing the comment 😉


  2. I’ve never had one of these electronic toys but have been covetous. I just don’t know what I would use it for that would justify spending money I don’t have to throw around (very tight household budge). 🙂 Still yours looks very nice.


    • Not sure if Michael has one, but there’s an app called “Papers” that everyone in the lab here at UCLA raves about. It costs 15 bucks, but apparently it is worth every penny for scientific writing, bibliography etc etc.


  3. Olá Sally

    Meu nome é Patricia, sou leitora do seu blog e também moro nos EUA e possuo o blog Meu Canto na Cozinha.
    Hoje eu li através da notificação por email sobre seu novo “toy”. Se você já está apaixonada por ele agora, com o tempo vai gostar ainda mais.
    Eu tenho o ipad2 tem alguns meses e demorei bastante pra aprender a usa-lo para o blog e sempre aparece coisa nova.
    Vou te passar o que aprendi e que me ajudou mais.
    Para escrever no blog, eu uso o app BlogPress a venda pelo AppStore da apple.
    Ele permite que você use as fotos que estāo no álbum do iPad ou usar a câmara fotográfica.
    Colocar tags, mudar fontes, configurar, etc. Eu não sou super expert no assunto mas eu sofro bem menos ou quase nada após o BlogPress (indicado pelo Túlio, do blog Macho Gourmet).
    Eu escrevo em português no blog, então configurei o teclado para inglês e português com apenas um clique no botão ao lado esquerdo da tecla barra de espaço.
    A configuração vc faz em settings, general, keyboards, international keyboards.
    Sobre as visited e recados, eu entro no meu blog pelo Safari e faço o loggin. A partir dai quando visito os blogs é fácil deixar os recado como se eu estivesse usando o laptop.

    Para passar minhas fotos para o iPad facilmente uso o camara connection kit direto do memory stick para o iPad.

    Sally, faz tempo que tenho o ipad2 mas como te disse não sou experta nesse assunto, mas no que eu puder ajudar estou a disposiçāo.

    Por sinal adoro seu blog, amei a receita da feijoada e já fiz o pão de queijo… Meu marido (americano) amou!!

    Um grande abraço

    Sent from My iPad2
    Ps. Copia do email que mandei mas voltou, Delivery to the following recipients failed.


  4. The second I saw the title of your post I started laughing – and I’ve been giggling every time I see it in my inbox. I don’t have an iPad, but I’ve played with one, and they’re way too cool – enjoy!


  5. I LOVE the title Sally! My kids are the same way with the iPad. My dad has one and you should see them when we go to their house. It’s hilarious. I don’t have one, but there may be one under our tree this year. (Shhhh.) 🙂


  6. THanks, everyone!

    we are back and I’ve learned a lot about My Preciousss on the flight home. If I don’t go broke adding bells and whistles to it, i’ll be happy… Got to be strong. Resist temptations. Set my limits….


  7. Olá Sally
    I like your ” PRECIOUSSS” !!!
    I don’t have one, but I’m certain you’ll get tons of delight using it.
    From my vantage point a (LMT) License Massage Therapist, I think
    you will see undreamed of possibilities, just from a little wave of the finger..
    I say that because, I work in a Chiropractic office, during Massages,
    and Trigger Point Therapy. I see every device on the market being
    used by the patients (muito) So just a few days ago, I realized, these
    patients, aren’t bored, they’re deeply involved in their machines, and no one is complaining. Way to go patients, I thought silently.
    I have Dear friends in Recife, and João Pessoa, and I’m learning
    português. Now I;m going to translate, with the help of (Google
    Translate) Patricia’s reply to you.


  8. I love my iPad. I don’t compose my posts on it. It comes in useful when we travel for checking emails, searching for accommodation when we are on the road and keeping up with Twitter.


  9. Hi, nice blog, I like the sourdough baguette article. Working on a formulation myself for a future article. I use my IPad for 100 percent of my blog production. I use Words for typing out the articles, Filterstorm Pro for image editing and retouching (what I did in my former life) and Blogsy as my blog tool. Everything works well, and because it’s so light I always have it on me.


    • Thanks so much for your input – I see you also have a WordPress blog – good to know “Pages” works with it. I heard about this app and meant to get it, so you gave me the final push in that direction

      Thanks again for stopping by…


      • Pages is like Microsoft Word, so I use it to type out the articles and do preliminary page layout. I cut and paste everything into Blogsy and use that for posting the articles. It all works very well, Blogsy does drag and drop for photos and video, making things pretty easy.


        • MY GOSH!!!!!

          Can I send you a huge virtual hug? I just downloaded Blogsy and it is AMAZING! The best part, which I’m finding very hard to believe, is that ALL MY PHOTOS from Picasa are there, waiting for me at the touch of a finger! I was having so much trouble trying to figure out how to get my photos transferred to the iPad, as the iCloud is acting up on my laptop

          this is great, I am so happy you posted!

          I wish I had time today to indulge in some self-teaching, but maybe I can get to it sometime during this week. Awesome!


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