A simple recipe loaded with flavor!   This was the main dish for one of our dinners last week, but it would be excellent as an appetizer course, or as part of a cocktail party.   The original recipe, from Food and Wine magazine, suffered some adaptations to accommodate what we had available in the nano-kitchen. Our day had been so busy we could not conceive of the idea of stopping at the grocery store on our way home.  No ginger?  Use cilantro instead… 😉

(adapted from Food and Wine magazine)

1 pound of large shrimp, peeled
3 T lime juice
2 T yellow miso paste
2 T olive oil
1 cube frozen cilantro leaves (Dorot, or use 1 T fresh minced leaves)
1 + 1/2 tsp brown sugar

for dipping sauce (optional)
sour cream
Sriracha sauce

Mix all the ingredients for the marinade to make a thick paste.  Thread the shrimp onto wooden or metal skewers,  place in a tray with the marinade spread all over to coat them well.   Let it stand for 10 minutes while you heat the grill.

Remove the shrimp from the marinade, add to the hot grill, cook for 5 minutes total, flipping them around midway through.

Mix sour cream with Sriracha sauce (or other hot sauce of your preference); make it as hot as you like, and drizzle over the shrimp or use it as a dipping sauce.


to print the recipe, click here

Comments: Even though we’ve been in Los Angeles for almost 4 months, I still try to find stuff in a drawer, only to realize the item in question is 1,200 miles away.   That is precisely what happened while attempting to make this recipe – my nice set of metal skewers did not make it to LA.  Plan B was quickly put to work: I spread the shrimp all over the grill, working as quickly as possible.   Voila‘: success!

The frozen cilantro thing… The first time I bought Dorot frozen cubes, I only did it because the tray of ginger looked impossibly cute, AND the store did not have fresh ginger for sale. I used it, and loved it.  Later I tried the basil. Loved it too. Now, cilantro joined the party.  I don’t like to cut too many corners in cooking, but these products are excellent.

Miso & Sriracha sauce…  Don’t think you should only use miso for soups:  it  is also great in marinades, sauces, even salad dressings.  I am always searching for new ways to use it, because I love its complex, funky-chic flavor.  The dipping sauce with Sriracha – the best hot pepper sauce in the known universe – adds a fiery tone to the juicy shrimp.  Adjust the amount of Sriracha to your liking.  I confess to drizzling pure Sriracha on my shrimp – proving the point that, indeed, some like it hot...  😉

ONE YEAR AGO: Pain Poilane (the King of Breads…)

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(adaptado da revista Food and Wine)

500g de camarões grandes, descascados
3 colheres de sopa de suco de limão
2 colheres de sopa de miso (em pasta)
2 colheres de sopa de azeite
1 colher de sopa de coentro picado
1 + 1 / 2 colher de chá de açúcar mascavo

para o molho (opcional)
Molho de pimenta (Sriracha)

Misture todos os ingredientes para a marinada formando uma pasta grossa. Enfie os camaroes em espetos de madeira ou de metal, coloque em uma bandeja com a marinada cobrindo por completo cada camarao. Deixe descansar por 10 minutos enquanto aquece a churrasqueira.

Retire os camarões da marinada, coloque na grelha da churrasqueira e cozinhe por 5 minutos ao todo, invertendo os espetinhos no meio do tempo de cozimento.

Misture o yogurte com o molho de pimenta, de acordo com seu gosto e regue os camaroes ao servir.

6 thoughts on “MISO-GRILLED SHRIMP

  1. I’m a miso nut! I haven’t tried it on shrimp but this sounds great. I use miso in a lot of salad dressings – my current favorite is a vegan caesar dressing that has miso and capers.


  2. I love hearing about more ways to use miso. I always buy a tub and then can’t figure out what to do with it after one use. And, sour cream and sriracha? I can’t wait to try that too! Hope you’re having a great holiday season!


  3. Made it last night, because I had everything in the house for it, used fresh cilantro

    So tasty, and so easy – this goes into my regular set of recipes for busy days for sure! Thank you, Sally!


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