Of all “master chefs” in the cooking world, Jacques Pepin is my favorite.  He is the kind of man I’d love to dine with:  gentle, authentic, and down to earth.  Reading his autobiography “The Apprentice”,  made me appreciate him even more.   Of course, his charming French accent is the icing on the cake.  😉

If his name wasn’t beneath this recipe, I wouldn’t have tried it because it seems a little strange.  Who in their right mind would fry a hard boiled egg?  Well, his mother did just that, during the hard years of the Second World War, and when I made it for our lunch, it was clear that her genes were the basis of Jacques’ skills in the kitchen:  the apple didn’t fall far from the tree!

(adapted from The Splendid Table’s How to Eat Supper)

2 large eggs, hard boiled and peeled
1/2 tsp Dijon mustard
1 tsp chives, finely minced
1-2 Tbs milk
2 tsp yogurt
1 tsp white wine vinegar
salt and pepper to taste
1 T olive oil

leftover egg yolk filling
3 Tbs olive oil
1 tsp Dijon mustard
2 Tbs milk
2 tsp white wine vinegar
salt and pepper

mixed greens of your choice

Cut the boiled eggs in half lengthwise, remove the yolks and place them in a small bowl. Add all the ingredients for the filling, mashing it well to form a cream. Carefully fill each egg white half with the mixture, but do not overfill, make it exactly like the egg yolk would be. You will have excess filling that will be used as part of the dressing.

Heat a tablespoon of olive oil on a non-stick pan, and add the egg halves, cut side down. Sautee for 3-4 minutes, until golden. Reserve.

Make a dressing by mixing well all the ingredients. To serve, place the salad greens on a plate or serving bowl, drizzle some of the dressing and mix. Place the sauteed eggs on top, sprinkle a little more dressing, adjust seasoning with salt and pepper.


to print the recipe, click here

Comments: Some people dislike hard boiled eggs, or even fried eggs.   I love them all. The only thing that turns me off is uncooked egg white floating on top of my sunny-side-up eggs.  I hope that even a deviled-egg-hater might enjoy this preparation. The subtle crunchiness on the hard-cooked eggs gives it a bit of  substance, making the salad seem more filling. The use of the excess egg yolk filling as part of the dressing is a brilliant touch.  It’s a nice light lunch for those of you without high cholesterol issues (or with a prescription vial of a statin in the cupboard!).

For another tasty example of using sauteed hard boiled eggs, take a look at this post by Ilva, a proof that great cooks think alike! 😉

receita em portugues na proxima pagina…..



2 ovos grandes, cozidos e descascados
1 / 2 colher de chá de mostarda Dijon
1 colher de chá de cebolinha, finamente picada
1-2 colheres de sopa de leite
2 colheres de chá de yogurte
1 colher de chá de vinagre de vinho branco
sal e pimenta a gosto

1 colher de sopa de azeite (para fritar os ovos cozidos)

gema do ovo que sobrar do recheio
3 colheres de sopa de azeite
1 colher de chá de mostarda Dijon
2 colheres de sopa de leite
2 colheres de chá de vinagre de vinho branco
sal e pimenta

verduras de sua escolha

Cortar os ovos cozidos ao meio longitudinalmente, retirar as gemas e coloca-las em uma tigela pequena. Juntar todos os ingredientes para o recheio, amassando ate’ formar um creme. Rechear cuidadosamente cada ovo com a mistura, de modo que o recheio fique ao mesmo nivel da clara do ovo. O recheio que sobrar sera’ usado como parte do molho da salada.

Aqueça uma colher de sopa de azeite de oliva em uma panela antiaderente e adicione as metades de ovos, com o lado cortado para baixo. Frite por 3-4 minutos, até dourar. Enquanto isso, prepare o resto da salada.

Faça um molho misturando bem todos os ingredientes. Para servir, coloque as verduras em um prato ou uma saladeira, regue com o molho e misture bem. Coloque os ovos por cima, regue com um pouco mais de molho, e ajuste o tempero com sal e pimenta.


7 thoughts on “A SIMPLE SALAD a la JACQUES PEPIN

  1. Incredible, I did a dish like this recently on Lucullian and I didn’t even know he had done it! I managed to see a few episodes from one of his cooking programs and I love his approach to food!


  2. He is amazing indeed!

    Thanks for reminding me of your recipe – when I made this I knew I had seen a similar recipe in a blog, but could not remember where. I should have guessed it was on yours!

    Oh, well – I added a link now…. 😉


  3. New one on me too! Fascinating stuff Sally! I haven’t made ‘party eggs’ since I was little; it was my job when my mum gave parties to peel and stuff the eggs so the thought of frying them – that I’ve got to try! I saw on a blog the other day someone had made bacon candy, maybe they would go together….. hmmmm


  4. Me too, me too! I adore Jacques Pepin, right from the early days when he was hosting Today’s Gourmet, which I think might have been one of the earliest cooking shows ever! Loved “The Apprentice” too. The best thing though is that his recipes always work!

    Great recipe, Sally, a new one for me too, I’ve not seen it in any of his other books. Thank you! I love eggs however they’re cooked…


  5. @ elra, Joanna & Celia: very simple indeed, and very tasty too…

    I had never heard the term “party eggs” – I’ve been trying to remember how deviled eggs are called in Brazil, but somehow I cannot come up with the name. I know I could search for it or ask my family and friends, but right now I am just torturing myself trying to retrieve the info


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