Giada’s show can hit or miss with me, but the moment I saw her making these small chocolate meringue cupcakes I knew that my husband and I, and our entire lab group were going to profit from it in our  early morning meeting.

(from Giada de Laurentiis)

2 large egg yolks
1/4 cup vegetable oil|
2/3 cup sugar, divided
2 Tbs cocoa powder (I used natural)
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/8 tsp sea salt
1/2 cup semisweet chocolate chips, melted
1/4 cup cake flour
3 egg whites

for the topping:
1/2 cup semisweet chocolate chips, melted
1/2 Tbs vegetable oil

Heat the oven to 350F.
Line a 24-count mini-muffin pan with paper liners (1.25 inch diameter).

Beat the egg yolks, vegetable oil, 1/3 cup of the sugar, cocoa powder, vanilla extract, cinnamon, and salt, at high speed until smooth, about 2 minutes. Mix in the melted chocolate chips and stir until smooth (mixture will be very thick).

In a separate bowl,   beat the egg whites at high speed until they hold soft peaks, about 3 minutes. With the machine running, gradually add the remaining 1/3 cup sugar and continue to beat until the mixture holds stiff peaks, about 2 minutes.  Stir a small amount of the beaten egg whites into  the chocolate, to lighten it up. .Using a spatula, fold the remaining egg white mixture.  In batches, sift the flour over the batter and fold it in using a spatula. Fill each paper liner to the top with batter and bake for 12 minutes until puffed. Remove from the oven and let cool for 15 minutes.

For the topping: In a small bowl, combine the melted chocolate chips and oil. Stir until smooth.

Using a fork, drizzle the chocolate mixture over the cupcakes. Allow the topping to harden for at least 1 1/2 hours at room temperature before serving.


to print the recipe, click here

Comments: This  recipe really was a “piece of cake” in two ways:  it was simple, and it produced cupcakes that look dense, but were light and moist in your mouth.   The chocolate drizzle, which according to Giada should harden in a couple of hours, refused to cooperate.  Even the next morning it was still sticky to the touch, making the cupcakes quite messy to eat.    A brief stay in the fridge (about 15 minutes or so) helped a little bit, and also made it easier to remove the paper.

I’d make these again at the drop of a hat,  but using  a different recipe for the drizzle, to achieve the crunchy texture on top.    Their size was perfect: people who are not wild about sweets will be happy with one; chocoholics may return for more. And more…. and more… 😉

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(Giada De Laurentiis)

2 gemas
1 / 4 xícara de óleo vegetal
2 / 3 de xícara de açúcar, dividida
2 colheres de sopa de chocolate em pó
1 colher de cha de baunilha
1 / 2 colher de chá de canela
1 / 8 colher de chá de sal
1 / 2 xícara de chocolate meio amargo, derretido
1 / 4 xícara de farinha de trigo (especial para bolos)
3 claras

Para a cobertura:
1 / 2 xícara de chocolate meio amargo derretido
1 / 2 colheres de sopa de óleo vegetal

Aqueça o forno a 175 C.
Forre uma assadeira de 24 mini-muffins com forminhas de papel.

Bata as gemas, o óleo, 1 / 3 de xícara de açúcar, chocolate em pó, baunilha, canela e sal, em alta velocidade até ficar cremoso, cerca de 2 minutos. Misture o chocolate derretido e mexa até ficar homogêneo (a mistura vai ser bem espessa).

Em uma tigela, bata as claras em velocidade alta até que formem picos moles, cerca de 3 minutos. Com a máquina funcionando, gradualmente acrescente o açúcar restante (1 / 3 de xicara) e continue a bater até que a mistura forme picos duros, cerca de 2 minutos. Misture uma pequena quantidade de claras de ovos batidas no chocolate. Usando uma espátula, misture delicadamente as claras restantes. Aos poucos, peneire a farinha sobre a massa misturando levemente com uma espátula. Encha cada uma das forminhas com a massa e asse por 12 minutos. Retire do forno e deixe esfriar por 15 minutos.

Para a cobertura: Em uma tigela pequena, misture o chocolate derretido e o óleo. Mexa até ficar homogêneo.

Usando um garfo, regue a mistura de chocolate sobre os cupcakes. Deixe que a cobertura endureca por pelo menos 1 hora e meia a temperatura ambiente antes de servir.


    • Celia, I have very little experience with cakes, so I don’t notice when a recipe is unusual – but I thought that adding the flour at the very end was a bit strange. Not sure if that’s what you are referring to…. It worked well, apart from the drizzle, so I won’t complain 🙂


  1. These look delicious. I often shy away from chocolate cupcakes, often because they are too dense. But, I love the idea of fluffy light ones! My husband will be soooo glad you posted this recipe.


  2. @ Jean, Cindy & Doreen…. no full fledged baker here… let’s say I am warming up for a very important anniversary next month… 😉

    @Elra and Juliana: thank you! It’s hard not to fall in love with chocolate, isn’t it? I was not too fond of it until marrying my beloved, but he definitely changed that…

    thanks to all of you for visiting BK…


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