cinnamon roll

Moving along in the book, time for some cinnamon rolls!

I confess to having a small mathematical problem while making these. I opted to halve the recipe, but contrary to what I keep telling our students in the lab “always write down your protocol”, I decided  to mentally make the adjustments while adding the ingredients to the bowl. Everything went quite well, until the final, most important addition: water.

I got distracted by the need to warm the filtered water in the microwave, and  completely forgot to cut the amount in half. As the dough turned into pancake batter in front of my very eyes, I felt the all too familiar shiver up my spine; familiar as in “I’ve done this before”. Unfortunately, it was not too long ago, but apparently I did not learn the lesson.

Such is life. I started all over, mumbling to myself  “these better be some outstanding rolls”

The dough was a pleasure to work with, very smooth, soft, shiny.


It rolled out easily, then I sprinkled cinnamon/sugar on the surface, formed it into a cylinder and cut the rolls.


Next time, I will cut them a little thicker, and allow full rising time after shaping the rolls. Since I had to start the recipe all over, I ran out of time and had to push the envelope a little, baking them when they were not quite there. At any rate, I consider this recipe a keeper….

Cinnamon roll & capuccino, a match made in heaven!

rollcoffeecinnamon roll2

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14 thoughts on “BBA#8 – CINNAMON ROLLS

  1. Well although you had a water issue they sure look great.
    Maybe you could have just added the other half of the ingredients and made a full batch instead of starting over. 🙂
    You make me want to bake them again. 🙂
    Great job and nice baking along with you,


  2. Those look wonderful! I have the same problem with thinking I can make recipe adjustments in my head! I always make mistakes, but never seem to learn my lesson! Glad to see that you persisted and ended up with these beautiful cinnamon rolls. Wish I had one for breakfast right now!


  3. I can so relate to screwing up on quantities when halving or doubling a recipe. Glad it turned out ok in the end. I loved these buns. I made the sticky buns this morning and am begging my husband to take them away.


  4. It happened to me once or twice and ended up having a full recipe instead of half. Which is a good thing in this case because these rolls are absolutely delicious.

    Love the glaze on the rolls.


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