Welcome to my blog!

A few things led me to start “Bewitching Kitchen”. As is the case for many persons who love cooking, the number of cookbooks, magazines, and computer printouts accumulating everywhere in my house is out of control. I don’t expect to ever conceive a method to my madness, as new cookbooks keep finding their way to my shelves, magazines subscriptions keep getting renewed “just for one more year”, and food blogs keep enticing me to “save this recipe, just this one”.

By blogging I hope to keep  a record of the recipes that I use, to describe how they worked for us, and to share them with friends and family.

The final push into the blogging world came from joining a group of bakers, who accepted a challenge launched by Nicole, host of one of my favorite websites, “Pinch My Salt”. We are making every bread from Peter Reinhart’s book “Bread Baker’s Apprentice”. The journey to finish the book should take about 43 weeks, keeping the pace of 1 bread per week.

You can read all about it here.

I invite you to follow my progress through this challenge, and also see what else is cooking in my bewitching kitchen….

para portugues, clique nesse link:

Benvindos a Bewitching Kitchen!

15 thoughts on “Welcome to my blog!

  1. Muito legal! Nao que eu queira tentar seguir os passos da grande mestre-cuca, mas achei otima a ideia e o design esta otimo – simples, elegante, facil de navegar, facil de ler. Marquei nos meus favorites e visitarei seu blog sempre que der!! Beijos.


  2. Well, my dear friend, YOU DID IT!!! I love the name, and am going to take great delight in following your “food-train-of-thought” as you conquer the food-blog world! Best of luck to you, and keep those fabulous recipes coming!


  3. Oi, Salete, parabéns!!!
    Incrível, super legal você abrir um blog!
    Já adicionei na minha lista de favoritos, para ver as suas receitas. Vou tentar fazer algumas…

    Um beijão prá você e um abraço para o Phil.
    Alberto e Rosana


  4. Pingback: BEWITCHING BIRTHDAY! « Bewitching Kitchen

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